Summer kindness
Laurie Delk Radecki ★
Motivational and Keynote Speaker??Top International Sales Leadership??Relationship Marketing Trainer??CEO??Professional and Social Entrepreneur ??Best Selling Author
Sometimes, in the heat of summer, our kindness meter bottoms out. We are hot, easily irritated and short tempered. Is there a magical way to make those heat-fueled feelings go away? There is, and it is called kindness! No matter how bad of a day you have had, how irritated you are at the higher temps or how many times the kids have yelled at each other, a little dose of kindness, given or received, makes everything better! What can you do to spread summer happiness? Keep reading to find out!
Surprise! Who doesn’t love a good surprise? The surprise doesn’t have to be big, because any size surprise makes everything better! Bake some cookies and pass them out to the neighborhood kids or have your kids draw pictures for the neighbors. It doesn’t matter what it is, just as long as it is a surprise!
H2-Oh that’s a good idea! When the heat makes being outside uncomfortable, think of those who have to work out in it! Greet the mail carrier with an ice cold bottle of water. Take sports drinks to the workers fixing the power lines in front of your house. Offer a cold drink to the neighbor who is mowing their yard. It is amazing how much happiness is packed into one of those little cold bottles!
Make another batch! If you are going to be firing up the stove to cook dinner, why not throw in some extra ingredients and make two batches? Surprise your neighbor (or anyone!) with a nice hot meal that they did not have to prepare. Get together a group of friends in your neighborhood and arrange a dinner exchange… guaranteeing you get out of cooking at least once!
Hose them off! Drag out the hose, turn on the sprinkler and open it up to the neighborhood! Let all the kids (and adults!) come by for a cool-down the old fashioned way. Pass out Popsicles or frozen treats and let them have fun the simple way!
We are made up of so much kindness that it is only fair to share it! So the next time the summer elements start to take their toll, don’t succumb. Instead spread that summer kindness everywhere!