Summer Kickoff: Highlights from HackSoft this June! ??
HackSoft's LinkedIn Newsletter - June edition

Summer Kickoff: Highlights from HackSoft this June! ??

Welcome to HackSoft's June LinkedIn Newsletter! ??

As we step into the warmth and vibrancy of summer, we're excited to share the latest milestones and updates from us at HackSoft . ?

Let's dive in and see how we're heating up with new achievements and initiatives this June! ??

Looking forward to EuroPython 2024 ??

Our CEO, Radoslav Georgiev is a speaker at EuroPython 2024!

As we briefly mentioned in last month's updates - Radoslav Georgiev (our CEO) will be attending EuroPython 2024. ?

What’s even more exciting is that he will be a speaker at this year's conference! ?? This will be his sixth time speaking at EuroPython! ??

Since his first talk in 2017, Rado has been a regular on the EuroPython stage, delivering insightful lectures almost every year (excluding the pandemic). ??

Radoslav through the years at EuroPython.

The topic of this year's talk will be "Rapid Prototyping & Proof of Concepts: Django is all we need". ??

His talk is great for both beginners, as well as seasoned Django developers, and it's goal is to give clear evidence, supported by examples, that we can use Django, reliably, to rapidly build prototypes & proof of concepts. ??

If you are attending EuroPython in July, make sure to check out Rado's talk!

?? 11 July 2024 | 10:30 | Forum Hall

We are looking forward to watching him take the stage for a sixth time! ??

See the full schedule here ??

Sharing knowledge with junior developers ????

Radoslav Georgiev, our CEO, had a lecture at SoftUni

Giving back to the IT community has always been one of HackSoft's goals and core values. ??

That's why, whenever we have the opportunity, we try to speak at different conferences, events or seminars.

We're happy that our CEO, Radoslav Georgiev , had the opportunity to present an online lecture at Software University (SoftUni) and help young folks navigate in the world of Django. ??

The topic was “Django REST Framework - Overview of Internals and Implementation.” ??

The event took place on June 26th, and there was quite the crowd watching and asking question.

Events like this help us share our gained knowledge with folks, who are just starting out, and there's no better feeling than knowing that you've helped someone's journey. ??

Our first trip to the USA ??

Our CTO, Ivaylo Bachvarov, and one of our teams in Atlanta, Georgia.

Our CTO, Ivaylo Bachvarov , together with one of our teams, had the pleasure of visiting Atlanta, Georgia, to meet up with some clients.

This was HackSoft's first time ever in the States! ?

And needless to say, our team had an incredible time, while they were there.

They enjoyed a Segway ride across the city of Atlanta, played some fun games, met amazing people, and, of course, had some incredibly productive meetings. ??

We can't wait to be back in the US and explore some more! Here’s to many more adventures and successful meetings ahead! ??

How do we support Open Source projects ??

HackSoft - On supporting open source

Open source is what enables us to build high-quality software efficiently. ??

At HackSoft, we prioritize open source projects as they empower us to create exceptional software solutions. Our commitment lies in actively supporting and contributing to the development of these projects. ??

Beyond creating and maintaining the Django Styleguide, we contribute to the open source community in various ways, such as sponsoring the Django Software Foundation and the Django REST Framework, writing blog articles on solved problems, and speaking at conferences and meetups.

You can read more about how we support open source projects in our latest blog article. ??


We strongly encourage you to support open source projects in any way you can to help the software development landscape continue to evolve! ??

Well, that wraps up our June updates! ?

Have you planned your summer vacation yet? ??

Summer is a perfect time to rest and recharge for the months ahead, so take some time to unwind and relax. ??

We'll be back next month with another round of fresh updates! Stay tuned for more. ??

Thank you! ?? Follow us on LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | GitHub



