''Summer heat, above 40 degrees Celsius and Greece's heavy industry: TOURISM.''

Hello to all who may find my article and read it! I thank you in advance, I appologise for any mistakes in spelling and I do hope you're not bored with my writings. I simply write when I do feel doing it, no matter what; just like this minute. It's already 1:03p.m, it's Tuesday, 19th day of the last month of Spring and it feels like it's August, or July, the middle month of Summer season, where heat waves hit Greece all over the places. And my forehead is full of thick droplets of moisture, without even putting on my face a antisoleir cream or a moisturizing one.

The headline says it all. Heavy industry. What's that? But TOURISM, of course! And some would say, why you call this particular industry, ''HEAVY''? Because it takes guts to clean the bathroom to the level called, ''spotlessly clean'' and during the CORONAVIRUS ERA, to be ''sanitized with clorine or with steam up to 100 degrees Celsius'', with 40 degrees Celsius outside. That's why it's heavy. And considering my latest application I made to a 5* Hotel in Lemissol, Cyprus, as a kitchen helper, a successful candidate, among other tasks, has to lift up to 50 pounds weight all alone. I converted to kilos and found out that it is 22,64 kilos.

And if this doesn't sound heavy to you, my dear male readers, because you have muscles I don't have, listen to this. MULTITASKING IS REQUIRED AS WELL. And becasue I haven't visited a hotel's kitchen in a rush hour, when lunch or dinner is prepared to be served, and having only my own 2X2=4sq.m. tiny kitchen as a reference, when the heat wave of my oven's door where I cook hits my face, so I have to step 2 meters back in order not to burn my eyeballs; hopefully I wear glasses that blocks the worst steam into my eyes, and when I decide to wash the dishes and I have to choose to use the hot water so as the grease from the dishes is well washed and melted and cleaned, I thank again my thick gloves and the cotton ones I wear inside them due to my allergy, for not having scolded by the water. Needless to say that the sweat is like a fountain from the roots of my forehead. I wonder how can this be done if he/she wears a mask covering nose and mouth. Yes, this is the standard in close places.

Am I crazy or not to leave the comfort of my home, and work in a heavy industry, called Greek Tourism? Or those already working they are? Because crazy people and dreamers are making all the rest of us to move another step forward. Let's some up. The Tourist product of Greece is actually made of crazy people and dreamers, who willingly decide to work in the heat of the summer, when the rest of the global population makes arrangements for vacations. Let's see who are these people. First of all, are all islanders, you name it. Secondly, are the city people, who despite the heat stay in Athens, in Thessaloniki, in Patra, in Volos, in Joannina, in Tripoli; not of Lebanon, but of Archadias, in Peloponnesus. And speaking of the devil, have you ever visited the birth place of Konstandinos Paparig'opoulos, in VIT'INA, Archadias? NO!? Tough luck, but it can be changed, just like that. Pack your bags and go to the mountains. There is Vitina. A small village that has its famous pine honey, especially good for diapetic patients; mind you to ask if they have the white honey from pine trees. And there you will find the famous desert, made with sheets of baklava layers and almonds or nuts grounded and mixed with ground cinnamon and gloves and in a shape like a Havana's cigar. If they won't give you that version of baklav'a, feel free to try the round shape. The mother will eat and won't give to her child. That's how good it is. And mind the water, cause it's so digestive that once you drink it, you want to eat again. In Vitina, my father took us when I was in primary school and my brother Jim in the first grade, becasue he was so thin and didn't like to eat. And there in the heat of July, my mother heard my little brother cry, I am hungry. And it's the only English phrase, my mother knows all too well. So once you have small children, mind you to carry lots of sandwitches or treats sweet or salty till lunch hour, or else your children will say, I am hungry a lot on your vacations.

And there is another completely different touristic attraction when you choose Greece for your destination. You can combine mountain and sea all in one place; eg Volos. Do you want to be near Athens? O.K. Nafplion, Greece's first capital is near by. Do you want sea with sandy beaches, but no mountains? O.K. Ancient Olympia is awaiting for you. And of caurse, last but not least, it's a brand name called COSTA NAVARINO, A Dream Destination in Peloponnesus. Didn't I tell you that dreamers change the world, alike with crazy ones? That's a very table example of a dream work of a man who despite all obstacles, he made his dream a reality to live inside it.

I left behind many destinations, not because I haven't been or loved them, but becasue when you see a birthday cake, in order to taste and know how good or bad made is, you simply put your finger like a small baby child and then put it in your mouth and taste it. So all the above is simply a baby taste like. AND if you like it, then you know how the whole cake is like. Mind you one last thing. There's no need to eat the whole cake to know its flavour and ingredients. If it has strawberries or chocolate or vanila cream or banana or it's an angel cake or a black forest cake. Due to Covid-19, each one of us should stick to what he/she like best. Sea, sea, mountain, mountain. A little bit of both, a little bit of both. City or country site? Chose carefully, according to your sweet tooth's liking. And stick to the plan and don't go up and down the map. This moment of time vacations should be in a place where you feel safe and you are protected and you enjoy what you like to do. One place at a time. Greece isn't going anywhere. Unless it does and we simply don't know that yet. So choose wisely and enjoy your staying. What we all Greeks hope for is to have a good summer and make the ultimate effort to keep locals and guests healthy and return to their home towns with pleasant memories in their baggages. Nothing more, nothing less. Because Health is number one and then come all the rest, which are zeros.

Cause and effect say the Historians of the Peloponnesean War. The reason for this article was my sole mission to avoid washing the bathroom, due to my lethargy from the heat or because of the ice cream I consumed and since sugar makes me sleepy, the duty flew out of the door. But writing is like eating icecream. Fortunately, it's already 2.10pm and I have to greet you goodbye. I have two hours to have the bath cleaned as best as I can. Wish me luck and pray not to fall asleep.

To be continued.-


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