Summer Happiness - People over Places

Summer Happiness - People over Places

The Summer time often provides great opportunities to get outdoors and enjoy some rest and relaxation.?However, it’s not just about where you go it’s about having an attitude of gratitude and laughter.

Good mental health is about find enjoying the people around you. Whilst we can feel better when we are in open spaces with good weather and lots of light, the thing that I always think makes a difference in the whole well-being and mental health is creating a connection with people around us.?

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We can think that we are improving our mental health by going to a beautiful resort with some glorious weather and lovely surroundings. However, I think more important than that is how do we connect with the people in those places.

Every interaction has the potential to aid your well-being and bring you joy. We need to look where the laughter is. If you go in with the right attitude and smile at people, they are much more likely to smile back. Studies all over the world have shown that a sense of community encourages longevity.?

Think of the greatest times in your life. Are those memories fond because of the places you have been? Landscapes? Holidays? I warrant that your greatest memories may have the backdrop of those places, but the humour you shared with people will take centre stage.?

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Learning to look for the laughter and love and connection wherever you go this summer will make you happier and healthier in mind and body.


