Summer Flow
Sean M. Hicks
CEO & Chairman at New Leaf Service Contracts Inc. | Warranty and Service Contract Solutions | Sustainability | Servant Leader | Crimson Tide Fan ??
Ahhhh! The heat is upon us. As we quietly slip into our summer flow – that state where everything in the world is just right – let’s talk about a few things that could help prevent us from losing our proverbial cool.
The number one interrupter of summer flow? When new things don’t work.
Take for instance an expensive, new grill that was just purchased. It worked fine the first couple of times. But now? Right in the middle of your BBQ party with your new boss? It flames out on you. And when that happens, one thing will certainly catch fire – your brain.
While you probably won’t sweat the little stuff, the bigger stuff might be worth purchasing an extended service contract. Things like outdoor refrigerators, BBQ grills, and lawn equipment can all be covered by New Leaf.
New Leaf is a third party service contract provider that is not only changing people’s experience with extended service coverage, but are changing the industry itself. Prompt, efficient repair or replacement for customers' products are the new standard. People are getting the service and attention they paid for.
New Leaf can give you that peace of mind in those infuriating times when things don’t work. One call and they are on the case. So keep your summer flow with New Leaf. They got you covered.