Summer Essentials
Good Morning!
I recently returned from spending 4 days with cancer survivors leading a retreat called “I am Hope”. I was called in to teach them life skills to begin their lives again beyond their journey with cancer. At the end of the retreat, they asked me: “when is your TED talk coming out?”. What they meant was: the impact of the work we did together was hitting home - hitting their hearts. Their lives were changed and they wanted to remember these moments forever. I assured them that once you’ve seen the healing way forward, there is no going back.
This question did give me pause for thought. Have you considered your TED talk? (Or is it even TED that this is all about?) If you have the opportunity to lead a group of people who have a new lease on life, what message do you have to share??
The spoiler is that every day is in fact a new lease and we are not in control of the expiration date. I feel called to do this work. I feel energized by showing up in front of a room to cause transformation. I most definitely?FEEL?the impact of people considering how they choose to navigate their lives - be it their health, their work or other relationships.
The workshops and retreats we lead are not found on youtube and chatGPT can’t write the script. It is a physical experience to be felt that causes you to navigate your way through the world on a new operating system.?
Hey Siri – want to join the next one? We got you!
With love + transformation,
New Jobs
Store Experience Director, Vancouver BC
This position oversees the?Stussy?Global Store Experience function. Integrating store design, product planning, staff training, and visual merchandising to implement a
best-in-class brand experience to their consumers through both strategy and execution. Interested?
Head of Retail - Whistler + Victoria, BC
An opportunity to support two incredible retail locations while a brand completely renovates what it means to be in the apparel industry.?ecologyst?has their feet rooted in the ground along side of trees asking the question: how can we do better?
General Manager, Vancouver, BC
We are looking for a special leader who is obsessively passionate about the circular apparel business and what is possible. This new and unique opportunity will be forging a new path forward collaborating with industry leading apparel brands.
Head of Manufacturing, Vancouver, BC
Do you have an eye for detail? A deep love for a sewing machine? An understanding of factory relationships *not* overseas? We want to hear from you!
Reminder:?Grant dollars?are open and available for hiring, training and expanding your business. In a time of economic woohoo, it’s worth exploring these options.
Leadership Coaching
It often starts with a small whisper that your heart cannot ignore. It might be a question like this:
If you are looking for answers, exploring the power of?Leadership Coaching?just might make your heart beat faster. It’s worth it.
Take Joy Seriously
If you happen to be reading this email while out on summer holidays, it felt only appropriate to share our Summer Essentials Bingo card with you.?
?For all things development, generating joy is equally important. Take this card with you for a week or a month. Where ever you go, may you remember to take joy seriously!