Summer Band Camp
Hi my name is Brianna Bobbitt; I will be hosting the band summer camps that are happening this summer at Flagstaff School of Music.
The point of these camps is to give students experience with playing with other musicians and to teach them the tools they need to do that. As a student at Berklee College of Music, I have learned a ton about playing music in various bands and can’t wait to share all I have learned! Throughout the camp students will learn to play and perform several songs as a band. At the end of the week, the band will perform these songs in a live concert. The rest of the details are in the flyer I have attached. Let me know if you have any questions.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you at [email protected]
The music school is located at 2211 E. 7th Ave. in Sunnyside Flagstaff, Arizona. They can be reached at 928-268-1108.
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Flagstaff School of Music · 2213 E. 7th Ave. · Flagstaff, Az 86004 · USA