Summer 2024 W/ CJC

Summer 2024 W/ CJC

Greetings LinkedIn Family!

They say all good things must come to an end, unfortunately Summer 2024 has no exception to this rule.

Over the break, I have had the invaluable opportunity to intern with Judge Jaqueline Frazier - Hyde at the Justice Juanita Kidd Stout Center for Criminal Justice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Under the guidance and insight of Judge Frazier - Lydes' office Pitt staff, Karen Rowland and Dajah Horsey, I was given a plethora of knowledge and experience that has laid the "real - life perspective" foundation in my journey to becoming a legal professional. Through sitting in preliminary hearings, 5th amendment counsel proceedings, jury appointments, studying courtroom terminology, and conversing with attorneys and CJC judges, I have been able to curate my critical thinking, research, and legal writing skills. It was through this experience that I was able to gain first hand accounts of different courtroom advocacy styles, literature, and situational soft skills that will carry me into my path to law school.

I'd like to express my profound gratitude to Judge Frazier - Lyde, Karen Roland, and Dajah Horsey for extending me an opportunity that has made me wish that all good things don't come to an end.


