Assessment Milestone
Sharon Singh
College Head of eLearning & Innovation, ACS Fellow, Peter Doherty Award, TEACHX Finalist Award, ACS ICT Gold Disruptor Award, USP Gold Medallist.
What a brilliant start to exam week! The last few days has seen our senior students (Year 11) preparing for their exams which started this morning. At St Johns we have a hybrid model of curriculum delivery as we have students attending classes from overseas. It was fantastic to see the examination process put in place for our remote learners work so successfully. We utilized multiple technologies to achieve the same outcome for both our remote and face-to-face learners. As our Operations Coordinator, Will Weeks, said, 'This logistical feat where we have invigilated exams from three separate locations within the school to students in four different countries has been faultless." Here with some of the team that make it all happen. Thumbs up, Truc Nguyen, Alysia Thomas!
Well done, team St John's Anglican College.
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