Summary of For Whom The Bell Tolls
Mert Suleymanoglu
Crew Allocation Supervisor @ Turkish Airlines | Crew Planning, Crisis Management
The novels begins in may 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. Robert Jordan, an American left the United States to join the Republican Party in the war. He worked with the Spanish guerilla fighters who hid in the mountains. Jordan was assigned to do a dangerous task which was to blow up the Fascist controlled bridge. A peasant in the name of Anselmo helped Jordan to reach the guerilla camp which was hidden in a cave. They encountered Pablo who was the leader of the camp. However, the latter opposed the blowing up of the bridge because he believe it would risk the safety of the guerilleros. So Jordan had second thoughts about Pablo because the latter might sabotage the mission.
Then Jordan met the other inhabitants of the camp: Pillar, who is Pablo’s woman and seems to be the main leader of the guerilleros, feisty Agustin, untrustworthy Rafael, noble Fernando, old Primitivo, and the two brothers Andres and Eladio. There was also Maria, a young woman who was raped by a group of Fascists. However, Pablo told Jordan and Anselmo that neither he nor the other guerilleros will help them in their plan of blowing up the bridge. But Pillar and many other disagreed, so Pablo had no choice but to agree. Maria and Jordan were drawn to each other. They fell in love and confessed this love to one another.
Pillar, Jordan, and Maria asked for the help of Sordo, another leader of guerilleros regarding the bridge operation. Sordo agreed to help. However, the problem was that they need to do it in daylight so retreat would be more difficult. Maria told this to Pilar and the latter told him that what she and Jordan have was special. Jordan insulted Pablo and provoked him but the latter refused to be provoked. They had a fight and Jordan was finding an excuse to kill Pablo. However, Pablo changed his mind and agreed to help in the bridge operation. Then the Fascists attacked the camp of El Sordo, as much as Pablo’s guerilleros wanted to help, they knew that it would be useless. Many of the guerilleros in El Sordo’s camp died. Though they were able to shoot the captain, the Fascists threw a bomb and killed everyone in the camp.
Because of this Jordan wrote a letter to General Golz to cancel the bridge mission and their other plans because the Fascists were aware of it and it would be too dangerous to push through with the plan. Andres was the one assigned to deliver the message. However, he was arrested because he was thought of as a Fascist spy. But he was freed with the help of Karkov. Meanwhile, despite all these, Maria and Jordan always made love with each other and they even planned about their future in Madrid.
A Russaian Journalist who was a friend of Jordan, find out that the Fascist knew about the plans of the Republicans so he got worried about Jordan. Then Jordan learned through Pilar the Pablo left the camp and took all the explosives needed to blow up the bridge. Jordan had no choice but to carry out the operation even with few explosives. Then Pablo came back and explained that he threw the explosives in the river. He brought five men with him to help the camp. It was too late when General Golz got the message. The Republicans were already on their way to do the mission and there was no way to stop them.
So Robert with Anselmo planted the explosives on the bridge. During the war, Eladio was killed and Fernando was terribly wounded. When the bridge blew up, the shrapnel hit Anselmo and killed him. Then Pablo said that all his five men were killed. Agustin believed that Pablo killed his men and the latter never denied of such accusation. When the group was about to cross the road to leave, Jordan’s horse was hit by a Fascist, which caused Jordan to fall and break his leg. He knew that he must be left and said goodbye to Maria. Jordan left alone, killed the Fascist lieutenant and then he died eventually as well.
Characters and their political position
Robert Jordan- an American who volunteered to join the Republican side to fight in the Spanish Civil War. He is realistic and very good at what he’s doing. He does not allow his emotions to affect his work. He had interior dialogues that argued with himself in the novel. Nevertheless, he was able to overcome these tensions and integrated his rational side with his intuitive side.
Pablo- Leader of the guerillas. He is an individualist who always take responsibility for himself. He is oftentimes compared to a boar, bull, stubborn and other unpleasant animals. He got tired of the war. He can betray the Republicans for his sake and for his love of horses.
Pilar- a stocky, steadfast, and patriotic gypsy woman. She is the support center of the camp. She fights in battles but also guides Jordan. She has intuitive connections with deeper truths.
Maria- A young woman who fell in love with Jordan. She was a victim of rape by the Fascists. She is compared to a colt by Hemingway and Jordan calls her rabbit.
Anselmo- an old but trustworthy guerilla fighter. He portrays all the good things about Spaniards. He is loyal and always follows directions. He likes hunting but never dreamed of killing people.
Agustin- a high spirited guerilla and is also trustworthy. He is secretly in love with Maria. He curses frequently and owns a machine gun.
Fernando- a guerilla fighter who has a lazy eye. He is literate and dignified. He likes bureaucracy and sensitive about vulgarities.
Andres- a guerilla fighter in his late twenties. He likes to fight and satisfied this thirst through bull baiting during the town’s fiesta. So Andres was able to control his liking to kill.
El Sordo- a leader of a guerilla camp near that of Pablo’s. He is a man of few words. He likes to kill and sad to die.
General Golz- A Russian general who is an ally of the republicans. He assigned Jordan to blow up the bridge. Golz doesn’t believe in thinking because he thinks it impeded action.
Karkov- a foreign correspondent who has many connections. He works for the Russian newspaper Pravda. Jordan considers him as the most intelligent man he knows.
Details about the war
Hemingway wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls because of his interest in the Spanish Civil War. He watched the Spanish political situation under Alfonso XIII. He went to Spain when the monarchy was overthrown in 1931. So he began to write and predicted that the civil war would happen in 1935 but actually occurred in 1936. The Spanish Civil War was the first battlegroung for the World War II which tested the forces of Communism, Fascism, and Nazism.
The war in Hemingway’s novel costs the innocence of many people who were not directly involved in it. these include the writes, journalists, and the readers of such novel who lost our innocence with the belief that war involves clean moral decisions. Hemingway shows in his novel that morality is conditional and subjective and that it is difficult for people to distinguish right from wrong.