Summary of Our Experience of Coping with Coronavirus

Summary of Our Experience of Coping with Coronavirus

To Friends Amid the Epidemic:

Summary of Our Experience of Coping with Coronavirus

with Traditional Chinese Medicine


Tonight, I received messages andphone calls from two fellows,

saying that many overseas COVID-19 affected patientswould like to

get help from our online voluntary Chinese medicine clinic. RenZhi

Tang (任之堂) has formed an online voluntaryclinic with a team of

Chinese medicine practitioners and successfully helpedmany

patients (in China) in the past month. Regarding the patients from

othercountries, there may be difficulties in language and

communication, as well as thelack of a local supply of Chinese

herbs, so the online voluntary clinic mightnot work with as much

significance. However, I would like to summarize the experiencesof

voluntary Chinese medicine clinic with coronavirus related cases

and sharethem with domestic and foreign patients amid the

epidemic. I wish you all aspeedy recovery and let’s get through this

difficult time together.

Sharing the same sunshine and moonlight,

I wish you peace and health! 


How does a coronavirus patientrecover? It is currently recognized

that there is no specific drug to treat it,but many patients have

recovered, and antibodies have formed in their bodies.How is this



I understand this as: give the bodysome “time”. When the body

functions normally, antibodies will naturally formgiven a certain time

period. There have been online reports saying that a doseof a drug

had cured a patient with the coronavirus infection. However, I don't

believethis is a valid conclusion, but it can be said that a dose of

drug mayalleviate the symptoms of a patient. Even if all the

symptoms have disappeared,we cannot conclude that the patient is

completely cured, because the virus couldstill be inside the body

with no antibodies formed yet. Symptoms may recur atany time, so

we cannot class this as “cured”! 


What we should do, is to make thepatient feel comfortable so their

bodies function normally, and to give thebody a period of adaptation

and adjustment. During this time, antibodies willbe formed in the

body and eventually kill the virus.


But how can we gain this period oftime? This is a huge problem.

Many patients have died of complications as theyare unable to

reach this period of time.


During the 2003 SARS outbreak, manypeople died or were in

critical condition. Those included people of old age andwith poor

immune systems, as well as patients who had serious underlying

healthconditions. There were also some people who appeared to

have good healthybodies, who died due to an overaction from the

immune system.

This year's coronavirus appears to bequite similar. Among the

infected group of patients, who went into criticalcondition or died,

some are old and have weak immune systems and some

haveserious underlying health conditions. However, there are also

some seeminglyhealthy individuals who are among this group. 


It is easy to understand why patientswith poor immune systems and

serious underlying health conditions fail to survivethis virus

infection, but why do some people with good physiques fail to

escapefrom this tragedy? 

Specialists have suggested thatwhether you are infected or not, that

by going to bed early, supplementing sufficientnutrition, and

improving the immune system can help prevent and treat the

coronavirusinfection. However, some people have a strong

immunesystem but are still unable to overcome the virus

infection and died. What isthe reason behind this? 

Let me share my own experience. I wasliving in the Chinese

Medicine Village (中医村) on the first day of this lunar newyear. I

developed a cold and started to have a fever by midnight. I had pain

inmy joints and a sore throat soon came along. My family members

started to havefever as well ... The village is far away from any

urban city, and there aremore than a dozen people in the village. In

addition to this the epidemicinformation over the Internet was

ubiquitous. I fell into this state of panic.What should I do next? If I

fell ill, what should be done regarding thestudents and staff at Ren

Zhi Tang, as well as the staff in the ChineseMedicine Village? 


I took some medication I had with mefor the cold and started to

carry out abdominal breathing technique. I realizedthat anxiety

couldn't solve the problem. I just needed to sort out what

wasrequired in that moment by taking things one step at a time. And

I know theabdominal breathing method helps to relieve the anxiety!


When practicing the abdominalbreathing before, I could only

practice it for up to half an hour, as it waseasy to lose focus.

However, that night, I was very focused on the abdominalbreathing

and slowly went to sleep. I woke up at seven in the morning and

foundthat I was still doing abdominal breathing unconsciously. All

the physicalsymptoms disappeared. I even felt better than a few

days ago, as if my systemhad completed an upgrade. My daughter

and wife had also recovered from thefever... 


The experience was very profound.Later, during voluntary clinics

amidst the epidemic, our Ren Zhi TangTraditional Chinese Medicine

clinical team put great attention to the patient'semotions, and invited

a psychologist to provide counselling remotely. Themovement of Qi

in an emotional or anxious patient is disordered, stagnant

andknotted. In this case when the patient is generally healthy, a

strong immunesystem and Qi throughout the body can have

counter effects, (likehypersensitivity), accelerating the damage done

to the body.


In Chinese Medicine, it is believedthat a human is composed of

three parts: body (Xing 形),Qi (?气),and spirit (Shen 神). Body is the

tangible body, Qi is aformless energy inside the body, and spirit

includes mind, consciousness andemotions etc. 


We often focus on our physical bodyand look at the problem from

the perspective of the body. We ignore that behindthe physical body

there is also invisible Qi. The orderly Qi activity is theguarantee of

physical health and it is the spirit that governs this Qiactivity. So

only when the mind is at peace and the spirit is settled, can Qi

keepits normal movement in order. 


No matter how sufficient Qi is, if itis disordered it will be prone to

stagnation and rebellion, and easy to cause self-harm.There is a

saying in traditional Chinese Medicine, that excessive Qi



If the powerful energy cannot keep its normal movement, it

willnaturally hurt the carrier of this energy!

Just like driving on a highway, thecar speed is very fast. If you don't

pay attention and drive properly, tragedyis likely to happen.


It is good to improve the immune system, but also important to

keep theimmune system working properly, and not attack

oneself. The trickof keeping a good running of the immune system

is actually very simple, justdon’t interfere with it. Keep yourself calm

and settled. Don’t be anxious.Don’t panic. Keep a positive attitude.

Do nothing (on purpose) and there isnothing we don’t do, as the

Daoism teaching goes!

You might say that this is toomysterious, but this is how the world


If you have caught the coronavirusinfection and have symptoms,

treating the symptom and the causes behind it canalleviate various

discomforts and give the body a buffering period (to form


There is a question worth ponderingdeeply here. Is the physical

discomfort or symptoms caused by the virus, or isit caused by other

factors inside the body? 


I would argue the virus only triggersa signal in the body. The reason

this leads to the disorder and rebellion of Qiand then the

appearance of discomfort in symptoms, has to do with the disorder

ofthe organ function and the spirit.

Therefore, it’s only one aspect tolook for a specific drug for the

virus. The other aspect is to maintain theharmonious state of the

internal organs at all time. 


When the search for a specific drug hasn’t been achieved, we

should makean effort to cure this from the other aspect - treat

the person, instead oftreating the virus. 


Do not aim at the virus, but look atthe spirit, the Qi (energy), the

body; check five zang-organs and sixfu-organs; Qi, blood and body

fluid; phlegm, dampness and blood stasis;movement of Qi (up and

down, in and out)... 

During the online voluntary Chinesemedicine clinic, many places

were in lockdown with hardly any access to Chineseherbs, so we

used the following recipes and more accessible ingredientsinstead:

· 10 grams of Chinese cinnamon (Gui Pi 桂?皮), 50 grams of black

sesame (Hei Zhi Ma ?黑芝?麻), boiled with water. Intake for one

day, for patientswith cold feet, aversion to cold, and

constipation. (There are different types ofcinnamon. To be used

as an herb the cinnamon has to have a sweet taste, and

thesweeter the better.)

· Use white radish with the skin (带?皮?白萝?卜), boiled with water

and infused withXiao Chai Hu granules (?小柴胡颗粒), to treat

fever and cough in children.

· Use 10 grams of Atractylodes root (Cang Zhu 苍术), 10 grams of

ume plum (Wu Mei 乌梅), and an appropriate amount of rock

candy (crystal sugar), boiledwith water, to treat patients with

thick white tongue coating andcracked tongue body, dry

mouth or throat, and fever.

· Use Fang Feng Tong Sheng Pills (防?风通圣丸) to treat

patientswith fever and constipation.

· Use ginger, Chinese dates (Da Zao?大枣) and spring onion

(Cong 葱) to boil with water, together withNiu Huang Jie Du

tablets (?牛?黄解毒?片) to treat patientswith sore throat.

· Use ginger, white radish with the skin, and dark muscovado

sugar (HongTang红糖) in appropriate amounts to treat

patientswith various types of coughs. Add more ginger if one

feels very cold, more sugar if Qi is deficient,and more radish if

the phlegm is sticky.

· Mr. Yang, who is engaged in food therapy, recommends a

popular food remedy for the coronavirus infection: edible

seaweed, white radish, winter melon and ginger soup.After

cooking the soup, add sesame oil and salt until it’s good for the

taste.This has helped many patients. 


There are no peculiar methods,everything above is common in daily

life. But it is these simple methods thathave alleviated many

patients' symptoms. With the symptoms disappearing, the Qican

move smoothly, and the body has the time to recover! 


When I saw dancing was organizedamong the patients in the

module Hospital (Fang Cang Hospital) at Wuhan,I was so happy. It

is a magical prescription for treating COVID-19, as the bestdoctor

treats the spirit. The Qi is in order if the spirit is calm, the body

issecure when Qi is in order.


During the epidemic, I have beenleading my family with various

ways of lifting the spirit, and to relieve the stresscaused by isolation

at home for more than a month. It is very important to takecare of

the spirit.

For patients still in the epidemicperiod, the recommendations

are as follows:

Isolate proactively, avoid crossinfection; follow the Government

guidelines and let go of the ego;

Go to bed early and keep a regulardaily routine; eat less meat and

more vegetables, do exercise every day;

Take care of the spirit as a priority,try not to disturb your mind and

emotion; take proper food and medication,regulate the movement of


Treat symptoms and focus on thewellbeing of yourself; strive for

time and take rest;

Let go of fear and ignorance; the upgradeof your system, could

happen in any time!

Translated byDongyuan

Proofread by 南山













































































· 桂皮10克,黑芝麻50克,煮水喝一天,针对脚冷怕冷便秘的患者

· 用带皮的白萝卜煮水,冲服小柴胡颗粒,治疗?小?儿发热咳嗽;

· ?用苍术10克、乌梅10克、冰糖适量煮?水喝,治疗?舌苔?白厚,有裂


· ?用防?风通圣丸治疗发热伴?大便秘结的患者;

· ?用?生姜?大枣葱煮?水,送服?牛?黄解毒?片,治疗咽喉肿痛的患者;

· ?用?生姜、带?皮?白萝?卜、红糖各适量,治疗各种咳嗽的患者,寒


? 从事?食疗的杨?老师推荐?一个抗疫肺炎?大众?食疗?方:海带、?白萝

















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