Summary. The Design. The Paramount Law of Transformation. Biological Blueprint of the Universe. Omnia Permeate Omnia/Latin
Marek "Mark" J. Wagner - Lorentz
Fine Arts Creative Writing Photography Graphic Design Publishing Music Social Issues Liberties
The Design
The Paramount Law of Transformation
Biological Blueprint of the Universe
Omnia Permeate Omnia/Latin
ORCID database:
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* Universal Homogeneous Formula is composed from an infinite (different) types of energies (spectral dimensions-lines, orbitals), predesigned, nondeterministic, time independent (time is a measurement not a dimension, it's a special case by A.Einstein, and yet, irrelevant in high velocity interactions, and fields),
* Permeating kinetic scales within an infinitely divisible formula: Energy(space)Binary(simultaneous calculations),
* Kinetic crystals via permeating energies within an infinite divisibility of Energy(s)B(sc),
* Energy (variety of different energies) is propagating its own space, and a distance is irrelevant: entanglement is explained within Homogeneous Formula (not just an interaction),
* Energy in high velocity sub-Quantum<=>Quantum(sQ) is not compatible with time,
* Momentum: O(1) within E(s)B(sc) is the essential component of the Homogeneous Formula,
* Superposition Matrix: permeating symmetry within antisymmetry, compatibility within compatible opposite,
* Permeating Physical Laws: Strong(Weak), Electric(B/Magnetic), Gravity, (Gravity reversal),
* Photon: particle wave duality reflects the energy of transformation based on emission and absorption that animate its own opposite inanimate energy,
* The Formula is predesigned within permeating I(o)<=> O(I) since Initiation Sequence (inorganic(organic),
* The composition of the Solar System within the Milky Way is fundamentally organic, and resembles cellular-organic design within simultaneously independent autonomy, and integrated cells, organs. The cellular-organic composition within micro and macro scale, and I(o) <=> O(I),
* The Analog E(s) dimension is a mathematical B(sc), and mathematical B(sc) is formulated within analog E(s): A(b)<=>0(1)<=> B(a).
* The composition of the Universe within an infinite energies, de facto, permeating energy spectrums that compose kinetic spectrum. Homogenous Formula within infinite, permeating energies is simultaneously divisible: multiplication by divisibility, and addition through subtraction and vice versa.
* Initiation Sequence (the Big Bang) occurred via permeating energies, and superposition within compatibility, compatible opposite, symmetry, antisymmetry.
* Superposition Tensor: Energy(space), Binary(simult calc.), m0(1) momentum: E(s)B(sc)<=>Analog(b)<=>m0(1)<=>Binary(a)<=>S(e)B(sc), yet, E(s)<=>B(sc)E(s)<=>m0(1)<=>B(sc)S(e)<=>m0(1)<=>S(e)
The library of submissions: arguments, supporting thesis, scientific data.
Links via Twitter "X" (require editing): based on scientificc data, experimental data, observations, and calculations:
The Homogeneous Formula within an infinite spectrum of energies, and yet, permeating, corresponding kinetic fields is (are), de facto, organic, evolving, maintains its properties, and is also adaptable, interconnected within subtle, micro, and macro dimensions.
Best Regards,
Marek "Mark" J. Wagner – Lorentz
Project time frame :
1975-2025 to date.
Kraków, November 1, 2023 - to date.
Submitted papers (Nov 1, 2023 through January 1-December 31, 2024, yet, in 2025) written, and immediately posted for your kind review, curiosity, and critique (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, ORCID) were formulated at the the Jagiellonian University Library, and occasionally at the Public Library (Rajska St), when "Jagiellonka" was closed.