The most significant changes from the 2020 version of the ERG to the 2024 version, are listed below by corresponding color. In addition to the changes listed below, all sections have undergone minor editorial changes for accuracy and consistency.
- Updated the Table of Markings, Labels, and Placards to remove (2) obsolete designs: triangular Marine Pollutant marking and yellow Division 5.2 placard.
- Updated the Road Trailer Identification Chart to include new descriptive text on some of the configurations/types.
- Updated the Rail Car Identification Chart by adding a cryogenic railcar.
- Added a table to help in deciding whether Evacuation or Shelter-in-Place is the best option.
- Expanded glossary, includes:Air-reactiveCombustibleControl temperatureCriticality Safety Index (CSI)EvacuateIsolatePolarSelf-heating materialSelf-reactive materialSpontaneously combustible materialThermal runawayWater insolubleWater soluble
- Clarified differentiation of Solid or Straight Stream.
- Added Liquid Spill Control methods section, including guidance on the types and uses of absorbent materials.
- Added Considerations for Lithium Battery and Electric Vehicle (EV) Fires, including identification of Damaged, Defective or Recalled (DDR) lithium batteries.
- Removed Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents considerations.
- Added a new Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents section in the Criminal or Terrorist Use of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Agents section. All Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents considerations that were found throughout the ERG are now collected in this new section. Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) are now listed based on their type and symptoms, not by their name. This new section includes:Biological Warfare Agents tableChemical Warfare Agents tableInitial Isolation and Protective Action Distances for CWA.
Added eleven (11) new UN numbers listed in the UN Model Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (up to the 23rd revised edition) and assigned Orange guides:
Re-evaluated materials to make sure that they are assigned to the appropriate Orange guide. Moved nineteen (19) materials to a different guide:
- Removed the Chemical Warfare Agents from the Yellow and Blue Sections (incorporated into the Criminal or Terrorist Use of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Agents section).
?Added the polymerization hazard (P) to UN3302 - 2-Dimethylaminoethyl acrylate, Stabilized.
- Removed the following UN numbers that are obsolete:UN1014 - Carbon dioxide and oxygen mixture, compressedUN1015 - Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide mixtureUN1366 - DiethylzincUN1370 - DimethylzincUN2005 - Magnesium diphenylUN3051 - Aluminum alkylsUN3053 - Magnesium alkylsUN3076 - Aluminum alkyl hydrides.
- Moved the general first aid recommendations to a new section called “General First Aid” (found before Guide 111)—kept only material-specific recommendations in Orange Guide pages.
- Added the following recommendations in the Guides:
- Table 1:Chemical warfare agents removed, incorporated into the Criminal or Terrorist Use of Chemical, Biological andRadiological Agents sectionRevised the distancesNo new entries resulting from new UN numbers.
- Table 3:Revised distances.