Sum of Longest Blood Line of Tree
Given a binary tree having n nodes. Find the sum of all nodes on the longest path from root to any leaf node. If two or more paths compete for the longest path, then the path having maximum sum of nodes will be considered.
Approach :
Recursively explore both the left and right subtrees.
When we reach a leaf node, we check :
void solve(Node* root, int sum, int &maxSum, int len, int &maxLen){
if(root == NULL){
if(len == maxLen){
maxSum = max(sum, maxSum);
else if(len > maxLen){
maxLen = len;
maxSum = sum;
return ;
sum = sum + root->data;
solve(root->left, sum, maxSum, len+1, maxLen);
solve(root->right, sum, maxSum, len+1, maxLen);
int sumOfLongRootToLeafPath(Node *root)
int sum = 0;
int maxSum = INT_MIN;
int len = 0;
int maxLen = 0;
solve(root, sum, maxSum, len, maxLen);
return maxSum;
Time Complexity : O(N)
Space Complexity : O(N)