Suicide & work: spotting the signs and responding as a leader

Suicide & work: spotting the signs and responding as a leader

This isn’t the most upbeat newsletter you’ll read this week. But it might be one of the most important.

5,000+ people die by suicide each year in the UK.

Each one leaves behind a huge hole in their family, community—and workplace, too.

A suicide in the team will have as massive impact on any company.?

For direct teammates, it can be as painful as losing a close friend. For others whose lives have been impacted by suicide in the past, it can also trigger unexpected emotions.

Join us for a Tough Conversations: Live event on April 23rd at 10:00 GMT+1 about this difficult topic.

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It never happens—until it does

It’s easy to think: ‘Suicide? That will probably never impact my workplace.’

Hopefully it never does. But just because people seem to be doing fine—doesn’t always mean they really are.

At Oliva , we’ve unfortunately had first-hand experience supporting companies in the wake of a suicide. The way leaders and managers respond to tragic events like this is crucial. It can make or break employees’ feelings about a company.

Leaders can also play an important role before a suicide happens, too. It’s not that uncommon for people thinking about suicide to express these thoughts to their manager or HR—whether they’re prepared for this or not.

Join our LinkedIn Live next Tuesday to get answers to questions like:

  • A direct report expresses suicidal thoughts: what should you do?
  • How do you break the news of a suicide to your team? What info should you share vs. withhold?
  • How do you support their direct teammates after?
  • Is there a way to prepare for this situation before it happens?

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About the speakers

Our expert speakers this week will approach this sensitive topic from two different angles: a clinical perspective, and an HR perspective.?

On the clinical side, we have Oliva’s very own Head of Care, Polly Haselton . As well as leading Oliva’s team of therapists, she’s a highly experienced—and still practising—therapist in her own right.

On the HR side, we have People veteran, Hannah Keal . Hannah is a seasoned scale-up People Leader who loves design thinking, dogs, and building high-support, high-performance cultures where people can thrive.

Both have first-hand experience supporting companies through the aftermath of a suicide, and will be sharing everything they’ve learned in the process.

See you there ??



