This Is A Reason To Stop A Sugary Breakfast : It Makes You Hungrier Later In The Day
Looking at the Immediate Effects of Sugar Intake on Hunger and Food Consumption in Young Women
A study, titled "Short-term Impact of Sugar Consumption on Hunger and Ad Libitum Food Intake in Young Women," tried to understand the relationship between sugar consumption, hunger sensations, and subsequent food intake.
The study hypothesized that a higher sugar intake during breakfast would result in increased hunger and greater energy consumption later in the day. The primary objective was to examine the connection between sugar consumption during a meal and subsequent feelings of hunger and ad libitum food intake.
How was the study conducted?
Sixteen healthy young women participated in the study, consuming a standardized breakfast with two drinks sweetened with sugar. Participants were divided into two groups based on the median sugar amount (20g).
What did the study find?
After a 3-hour interval, an ad libitum ( meaning allowing them to eat as much as was desired, when desired) lunch was provided to assess food consumption.
Weight, blood sugar measurements, subjective hunger and satiety assessments, and food consumption data were collected, with participants unaware of the specific study objectives.
What did they find?
1. The group with higher sugar intake experienced greater pre-meal hunger and significantly higher ad libitum food intake at lunch (390 ± 130 g vs. 256 ± 67 g, P = 0.002) compared to the lower sugar consumption group.
2. Positive correlations were observed between breakfast sugar consumption and pre-meal hunger sensation (r = 0.52, P = 0.04) and lunch pasta consumption (r = 0.75, P = 0.0008).
3. No significant differences in age, weight, or BMI were noted between the two groups.
What can we understand from the study?
The results suggest that high glycemic index foods may lead to increased hunger and overeating within a brief timeframe. This has implications for preventing and treating excess body weight, emphasizing the importance of considering glycemic index in dietary strategies.
Glycemic index:
The positive correlations observed underscore the need for further exploration of the long-term effects of glycemic index on appetite and food consumption. Understanding these dynamics can inform dietary strategies aimed at promoting satiety and reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues.