Suffering from an art block? Here are a few tips to overcome it
In case you are confused as to what an art block is, it is something that occurs when an artist is unable to tap into their?creative side?and hence is unable to?create art. It’s a fairly common phenomenon and happens to artists all over the world.
Many of you might still be wondering if the art block is even real, what causes it, and why are so many artists affected by it? We have addressed these questions in this article and put together a few?strategies?that will help you to access your creative side if you are facing an art block.
1. Do people really face art blocks?
Image source: Canva
Although how each person faces it is different, suffering from an art block is very real. You can mostly identify an art block if:
- You are facing issues producing creative works regularly.
- You aren’t feeling motivated to create something new.
- You’re not being able to bring your ideas to life.
- You can’t bring yourself to create anything although you want to.
- You are unmotivated, resulting in not creating anything new at all.
These creativity blocks might last for a day or two for some, while for others it might last for weeks or months.
2. What can cause you to have an art block?
Image source: Canva
The most common cause of experiencing art blocks is physical and mental exhaustion. You might feel uninspired when you come home from a particularly stressful day at work. You might be feeling anxious due to a particular person or event.
Too much schoolwork can do that to you too. You may also be putting too much pressure on yourself to create something exceptional while comparing your artwork to the?other creators?you are seeing online. This can damage your self-esteem.
3. How can you overcome art block?
Now that we know the factors that can cause you to face an art block, let’s talk about a few ways you can overcome them.
Let it go and take a break
Image source: Canva
The simple thing to do when facing an art block is to just take a break. You need to step away from the activity that is not bringing you fulfillment or joy. Don’t force yourself to engage with it.
Take a break from it and try doing something else that you enjoy, such as yoga, reading a book, or listening to music. These might relax your nerves and help you to concentrate better in the future. You can also visit friends and family and spend time doing fun activities together.
The secret is to get yourself involved in something that makes you?happy. You also need to ensure that you don’t stretch out the break for too long.
The break period must be just long enough so you can realign yourself and must not be so long that you become a procrastinator. After you finish taking the break, schedule your time accordingly to bring creating art back into your routine.
Get inspiration from your favorite artists
You can study the works of your?favorite artists?to draw inspiration from the appealing aspects of their creations. You can go through their different styles on the Internet and save their pictures to draw inspiration from, incorporating your style to make your statement.
You can also flip through art books, and if some pages stand out to you, bookmark them for later reference.
This exercise will familiarize you with various ideas and techniques that have been used by artists all across the world and give you the chance to experiment with those ideas in your work. You can visit sites such as? learn about the styles used by successful artists.
Experiment with your existing artwork
Recreating your existing artwork can be a great way to stick to a regular creative schedule, especially if you lack structure in your process of creating art. If you get stuck while creating something new, explore the things you have already created; this way you can draw inspiration to cure your art block. You will also be able to improve your style and technique by redoing old artwork, and this, in turn, will fuel?your creativity?and inspire you by getting new ideas. You can also look at it as a way to just improve your old artwork.
Check the environment you are in
Image source: Canva
Having a?clean environment?to work in is a great way to keep your spirits lifted. A stressful environment will block your creativity and prevent you from creating new work. You need to evaluate the environment you are in and contemplate whether it is suited for you to create artwork in or if you need to clean it up.
If that isn’t possible, then you will need to find a different place to work. if your evaluation states that your environment is okay, then try to come up with ways to spruce it up.
You can decorate the space with little trinkets to make it a more happy place or put up inspirational quotes that will make your time there more productive. Just make sure to be in a stress-free and positive environment.</>
Think about your health
Being in poor health will affect all aspects of your life, including the ability to produce quality works of art. If your mental and physical health is affected negatively, it will directly contribute toward getting an art block.
Your mind and body may be stressed out and filled with anxiety, you might be feeling overwhelmed, or you might be burned out. You need to incorporate some self-care routines into your everyday life to heal and get better.
You can take walks in nature, cook a favorite meal, take relaxing naps, drink tea or coffee, spend time with people who are close to you or watch some lighthearted entertainment. All these things will help you to be in a better physical and mental state, contributing toward being in better health. This way you will be able to keep the art block away.
You can overcome art block following various strategies. The steps mentioned above will help you to be in a better mental and physical state. This way you will be able to keep your creative juices flowing and stay away from art block.
Just remember, if you do suffer from art block, be patient with yourself and ride it out. You are not alone in facing it, so follow the tips above to heal and get back to?creating?amazing?pieces of art.
Article: ??Ben Heine?– Copyrighted content
Images: Canva, Shutterstock, Unsplash