Suffering with allergies or asthma?

Suffering with allergies or asthma?

Did you know that indoor air has been found to be 70% more polluted than outdoor air? Did you know that over half of elementary age asthma could be prevented by controlling indoor allergens and tobacco smoke? Dust, pollen, dirt, and pet dander and pulled into your air duct system and creates a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, mildew, and fungus which then circulates through the air as your heating and air system blow. 

Air Duct Cleaning helps to reduce dust, improves lung and sinus health, improves the performance of HVAC System, removes many unpleasant odors, and creates a cleaner living and work environment. It is recommended that your air duct system be cleaned every 2-3 years if the system is properly maintained and air filters are changed regularly. 

The Homeowners Resource Guide searches for quality companies to help you find top-quality dependable people to manage your needs.


For Air Duct Cleaning, we recommend

Coit Cleaning & Restoration


24/7 Emergency Restoration

Weekend & After Hour Appointments

Stewart Carpet & Duct Cleaning

Residential & Commercial


Emergency Services

Supra Key Holder


