Sudan: Hope and Hard Work
Tarig Monim
Looking for results? I have delivered in business, government and in consulting, all over the world..let us talk
Hope you are aware of changes in Sudan. In short after more than 4 months of struggle with 90 dead and hundreds injured, maimed and brutalized, Mr. Omar Al Bashir-one of the big men of Africa with all the hallmarks of these men: 30 years governing with an iron fist, civil wars, an economy in tatters..etc. was removed from power.
There is great hope for the country, particularly with a generation that is clearly mroe committed, dedicated to its goals and understanding of what they want and are ready to pay the ultimate price to achieve these goals than my generation.
The country is faced with huge challenges, a huge foreign debt, productive sectors-namely the agricultural sectors and small but important manufacturing sector, that have been neglected, limited infrastructure from roads, railway lines, power to water treatment plants, rampant corruption, bloated security services, army and paramilitary forces, government and bureaucracy, and large numbers of internally displaced and refugees: a legacy that will require a lot of Hard Work from each one of us in the country and the millions abroad...
We, as people, need a plan that will guide our efforts to tackle these and release the potential and knowledge the Sudanese people inside and outside have, and in putting the country's resources to work for the good of the people rather than a few.
Our friends in the world will be needed and called on to help us with their expertise, consideration of the country for investment, debt forgiveness, and hopefully to a limited extent in Economic and Humanitarian Aid.
Keep the country in your thoughts, and your wishes and ASK a Sudanese...if you know one...