The Successors; The Future Is Here!

The Successors; The Future Is Here!


Commitment Statement:

I am Africa, and I am committed to raising the next generation.

I am Nigeria, and I am committed to raising the next generation.

I am delta state (other states), and I am committed to raising the next generation.

I am ----------------------------, and I am committed to raising the next generation.

I am a next generation Africa; Nigeria and I am committed to raising the next generation.

We are the next generation, and we are committed to raising the next generation.

The next generation, the youth are our successors, they are to takeover whatever we handover to them. Their success or failure depends on what we are doing right now.

African, Nigerian, leaderships, unto us a child is born, was how the Creator handed us the next generation leaders and entrepreneurs; and unto us a son is given, i.e. also, the equally tasking responsibility of raising and empowering the next generation for leadership in our place.

Until we change the vantage from which we see the youths, we will continue to see them as mere children.

But let me inform you, "these children has gone far, in terms of self-empowerment both in leadership and entrepreneurship."

Most of our youths are involved in online marketing, websites development and management, farming, real estate development and management, and all sorts of legit business.

The black youths, the Naija youths out there in the street of the World, started fending for themselves, right from their mothers’ wombs.

Using the voice of the African youth: "we are not asking for much, just create for us an enabling environment, and be ready and willing to trust the greatness of Africa, Nigeria into our hands; we can handle, and we will take it up from here.

Our blood dey hot!

We have beauty, personality, strength and brain. We are taking Africa, Nigeria to the world centre stage in leadership and entrepreneurship.

Begin to see sons and daughters in us.

Yeah! See us as your sons and daughters."

In the Africa, and Nigeria I was born into, parenting responsibility extends beyond one's direct biological children; every parent took and takes responsibility for every child they meet out there in the African streets, the Nigerian streets, the World streets.

Let me say this, "there is greatness waiting to be harnessed in the ghettos and slums of the black World, Africa, Nigeria and the Caribbean."

To seize the future and determine it, we have to focus on raising the next generation; and stop concluding our youths as mere children with nothing to offer.

Let us close the gap we have created over the years, where power rotates within a certain circle of individuals; where the young people, our next generation are shielded out from leadership.

Stop using us as thugs; thuggery will not sustain a people.

It is time leaders wise up and start taking responsibility for the future, the next gen.

The next gen is the future!

It is time to drop the shield, stop protecting yourself from us.

Are we that awful?

It's time to embrace the youths, raise or package them for leadership and entrepreneurship, and then watch them takeover our roles and offices.

Is that asking too much?

The major task of a present leadership is to properly package the next generation for presentation.

Great African leaders, great Nigerian leaders, great Delta state leaders, it is time to prepare our youth for the centre stage of World leadership and entrepreneurship.

It is sons and daughters that we would trust power into their hands, not children; and that is why it will be difficult to anchor and execute a successful succession planning, if we don't start seeing in us capable individuals when you look at us. 

To succeed on influencing the future today, let us use today to prepare those who will own that future.

Have you ever seen an African, parent, proudly exclaiming, pointing to a child he or she sees capable of taking the future: "See My Son (See My Daughter); He is A Son Indeed (She is A Daughter Indeed) And I Am Proud of Him (Of Her)."

We are waiting for our leaders to show this to us, in the way they see us and in the type of plan they would put in place to help us be the composed, competent and confident leaders of tomorrow.

Nigerian Youths, common Nextgen, we are the leaders of today!

Nigerian Youths, you are the leaders of today.

The states in Nigeria, the local government in those states and their various localities and popular deities of the people.

Africa, this is your moment of destiny.

Princes - presentable representatives, envoys, ambassadors, Dignitaries, emissaries, diplomats, greatness are emerging from the black World in astronomical proportions; yes, global leaders in Leadership and entrepreneurship are trooping out of Africa, Nigeria, and the rest of the black World.

The Black World and Africa (typified in ancient times Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Cyrene) are prophetically physically submitting themselves to God (past, present and future), she is in much haste reaching and stretching out their hands [with the offerings of submission] to God; and have been doing this for some time now.

Today, we submit our past to God, first for deliverance and freedom from every covenant entered with satan, that is stubborn enough to still speak and enforce ancient dark and wicked agreement reached, covenant entered with our ancestors. We use the covenant of a "Jesus blood washed" Africa - wielding the victory of the Cross and Jesus' resurrection over the devil, his demons and every arrangement of darkness and wickedness.

1. We repent and ask God to forgive the black man on behalf of our fathers and ourselves

2. We receive from God, Salvation, Mercy, Grace, Freedom to be, Justification, Forgiveness, Liberty, Deliverance, Cleansing and Redemption.

3. We undo and detach ourselves, the black man, from all such evil arrangements.

4. We put to permanent silence, all the work of the devil, according as Jesus has well demolished and destroyed the works of the devil.

5. We ask O God, and Creator of man, to impressed us strongly and empower us to continually silence the devil from generation to generation, as long as the earth remains.

6. We once for all free and detach from the devil and all evil altars raised, shrines erected, covenants entered and all forms of agreements signed with the devil and his cohort; forward from this generation, time, moment and into the future, the sons and daughters of Africa, the black man.

 7. We step into our destiny and purpose in God, raising the altars of the victory of the Cross, the power of Jesus resurrection and the audacity of the powerful name of Jesus, to protect and secure our newfound honour and exaltation amongst the league of nations.

Secondly, we cry out for the Restoration, Preservation and Enthronement of the originals the black was clothed with (and that was deposited on earth for the benefit of the black man) by the Creator. The technology, technicality, industry, brain, daring, strength, wisdom, honour, virtue, resilience, versatility, Wealth, direction, power, focus, foresight, insight, fruitfulness, beauty, leadership, entrepreneurship, greatness, glory, development, and dominion, deposited on us, with which the Creator endowed us.

As for our present, we pledge and begin to use it to raise the next generation, put in place for the future Africans, Nigerians a world far more beautiful and enabling than the one we received and the one we live in today. We are going to use today wisely, so that those who are handling over to will have minimal hiccups as they continue to ride this new Africa to greater honour, dignity, greatness, poise, beauty, grace, glory and fame, amongst the league. And the black man will be everywhere looked up to and referenced for good.

We have become too aware of our greatness, Wealth and honour that we no longer go overseas to sell for cheap; and as such are increasingly free from the unusual embarrassments we are oftener subjected to at the airports of other nations. We have got it right, and are no longer bury our sons and daughters alive in attempt to go for greener pastures overseas. Just like the irony of leaving the house of bread to look for bread, just because we could not wait for the ongoing maintenance activities on the bakery to be completed.

And for the future, we speak forth unending glow and flow of Grace, mercy, glory, Wealth, Riches, honour, dignity, strength, brain, wisdom, industry, greatness, power, virtue and beauty.

Africans, shout! Nigerians, shout! Deltans, shout!

Nextgen, shout!

And because of the emergence of the NEW Africa, the black man across the globe, has turned into resource persons, that is giving the world answers and direction. And the nations, continents, and people of the earth are excitedly, dumbfoundedly offering God praise, singing to Him, for the good Africa and the rest of the black World has become to the rest of the world.

So, O kingdoms of the earth, sing praises to the Lord!

Africans, Africa arise and take your place in the world.

Nigerians, Nigeria arise and take your place in the world.

Deltans, Delta state arise and take your place in the world.

Africans youths, arise and take your place in the world.

Nextgen, arise and take your place in the world.


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