Succession (planning) is everything...
Photo from Radio Times

Succession (planning) is everything...

People are staying put; not because they really want to but because they are worried.

Rises in inflation and mortgage rates and the general talk of the worsening of the economy is driving fear into job seekers who would normally have reached the point in their career to move on. Redundancies are often decided on a ‘last in first out’ methodology and this is scaring people enough to decide not to move jobs now and to stay tight.


This current lull in recruitment won’t last long; Q2 and Q3 are going to be stupidly busy as people start moving jobs, the money we’re seeing trickling in to the industry starts to pour in as forecasted and so the merry go round of recruitment spins into action again. There are also so many new players in the agency world that were not around three years ago. We now have a wealth of new, smaller, agile and progressive agencies who take a people first focus. They are all vying for the same talent and offering fresh, new and shiny places to work.


All of this combined means that now is the ideal time to get ready and to ensure that your company’s succession plan is robust and fit for purpose. Don’t wait until you must recruit to get your recruitment and succession strategy in place.


Consider your key roles…

Which roles are vital to your organisation? Which are the roles with a lot of responsibility and accountability? Who are the conduits to your organisation – these are often (but not solely) the client facing people, or those with the key client relationships. What would you do if that person resigned tomorrow?


Take a look at the team around that person and see what gaps their team have in their skills or specific experiences. Start training them up to improve and support them but not to specifically take over the role - otherwise they could be ready and there’s no role for them to move into. But instead look at what skills your key people have and look to train those skills in their teams.  


It’s good to talk…

Speak to your key people. Don’t tell them that you are worried about them leaving, but do genuinely make enquires about how they are. In their next one-to -one simply ask them; how are you? How are you really? What can I do to make your life easier? Where are your pinch points? What do you think could be improved in your role? Where can I alleviate any stress?


Ask them open questions about what they need for now and the future, rather than simply asking about what they've done. You could even push slightly more and ask them about their aspirations; what would you what would you like to do next? Where in the business would you like to go? Questions like these may get them thinking about their future in the organisation and inspire and motive them to look ahead, and it shows that you are thinking of their future too. Just for the love of god don’t ask them where they see themselves in five years.



Have you got a recruitment agency lined up or your internal team briefed and ready to go? Meeting external recruiters now and laying down the foundations of a relationship will pay dividends further down the line when the merry-go-round starts in full force.


Social recruiting

Are you incorporating some social recruitment posts into your media schedule? Make sure that you include some content about what it’s like to work at your company, what the people are like, what activities you do etc. The first thing any candidate will do is to have a scroll through your social media – so you can’t just start posting recruitment related content the day before you want to recruit. Is your career page up to date and relevant to the talent that you want to attract and more importantly, does it showcase your employer brand as well as your consumer brand?


By the early summer, recruitment will be like the wild west again. Everyone that would have moved jobs in the first quarter of the year will be looking to move and it’s going to be absolute madness Start now, get prepared and make sure you have your strategy in place.


Don’t say I didn’t warn you…


Robert Kenward,

Fitability? Recruiter at You Search & Select and Co-Founder at You Exclusive

You Search & Select

You Exclusive


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