Successfully Reaching Your Audience?
Our culture and humanity as a whole are so conditioned by the constant bombardment of hyped and frenzied sounds and images on television and by "virtual reality" that most people find it impossible to concentrate on any of the information presented. And truth be told, they are unable to become engaged in the genuinely multimedia experience that businesses are attempting to provide. For most people in our society, the term multimedia simply means multiple screens and a rapid rate of image/sound changes rather than the use of a diverse assortment of mixed media. Like many businesses have found, for people to truly appreciate the content, it should be displayed on a screen of some kind.
We have also learned that when trying to connect with people, merely engaging one sense at a time is ineffective and provides a very forgettable experience. Through years of research and testing, MESA has found that interactive, legitimately multimedia experiences that engage several senses simultaneously, are exponentially more effective than using a diverse assortment of mixed media.?
In today's screened-in culture and because of things like VR and television, people are conditioned to this constant bombardment of sounds and images aimed at trying to grab their attention, when in reality, it is making them tune out. Multi-sensory stimulation is the only thing that can captivate a person's interest long enough to truly create a meaningful connection with products, services, and businesses.
MESA has combined disseminated marketing segments through Central Hub and Resource Link? (CHRL) to truly create a multi-sensory experience that cultivates emotional connections with brands and businesses.?
We can't wait to share this technology with your business! Be sure to learn more through a live (virtual) demo of the technology! Schedule today for your free demo at?,?or give us a call at 844.637.2224.??