To Be Successful, You've Got to Be Both - Interested and Interesting

Salespeople, it is said, sell themselves first. Only after they have been ‘bought’, they will be able to sell whatever else they are trying to sell. To sell yourself means, making the client your appreciator. She becomes your fan. She appreciates you and hence will like to believe in you. People buy most often for emotional reasons, though they believe and would like the world to believe that they buy for rational reasons.

  You must come across as an 'interesting' person if you want to be successful in creating this connect with your client. And who do we find interesting? We find those people interesting who are knowledgeable in the domains of relevance as defined by the context of engagement. When you display your knowledge to a client who in most cases is an expert in her chosen professional field or line of business, she feels assured that a person of matching intelligence is interacting with her. This person is capable of understanding the technical nuances and gravitas of the contextual subject. The client finds such people interesting and worthy of engagement with because she is free to operate at her level of expertise and efficiency.

      To become an interesting person, you will have to develop as an ‘interested’ person. Someone who appreciates , understands and takes an active interest in the world around him. And this will require you to continuously update yourself with developments in the spheres of economics, politics, science, marketing & branding and environment.  You need to inculcate a habit of continuously imbibing information. Understand them in reasonable depth and establish linkages among various issues so that the issues are comprehended by your thinking mind and you are able to recall them when context demands it.

This process of keeping yourself updated with information requires an intent.  We are living in an era when information has become source-agnostic, format-agnostic and context-agnostic. You can receive very in-depth analysis on WhatsApp or Facebook and you can find some utter trivia in the mainline newspaper. You need an intent first. Secondly, you will need to inculcate interest. Only when you enjoy the subjects, they will indulge you. Only when you indulge in the subjects, you will understand them. And only when you understand subjects you can meaningfully use them in any situation, context or circumstances.

As you grow your understanding, you grow the range of subjects that can indulge you. Remember linkages!

Being interested in the world around you will automatically make you interesting to the world around you! Once you come across as an interesting and interested person, you become a treat to whosoever you meet. Including your clients. They will heartily interact with you. They will like you, respect you and will like to do business with you - presently or in future.

So, begin your quest, today!



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