Successful Sunday, May 12th, 2024
Stacy Casson
The Clarity Confidant | Creative Coach | Play is serious business | Creativity Unblocker| Overcome Overwhelm | Problem-Solving | Creative Brainstorming | Personal Motivation | Self-Trust & Courage |
Hello, Subscribers.? One of my former leaders told us it's not worth doing if it isn’t fun.? This forms the core philosophy of my weekly writings and will help you prepare for the week through the power of play to set yourself up for success. I glean insights from my inner child about behaviors and patterns and can help you do the same. Let’s get set up for success. By joining my Patreon at, you not only support my work but also gain access to exclusive content and insights.
?It’s time for an accountability check-in.? Last week, I created two out of three art pieces and am proud of my Dungeons and Doldrums audio event. It has been a rough week. ?“No,” let me reframe that statement:? This week had challenging moments.? How am I coping?? I am finding the perfect K-drama sad song playlist because I can’t take myself seriously with a soundtrack to my pain.? It did not quite work, so now I am laughing and crying.? What actually helped?? Telling my support humans that I am sad.? How did you do with your goals?? Not reaching my art goals is not failure.? I had to shift priorities, and that is okay.? Also, the full version of “You Are My Everything” is beautiful.
?My week begins with a funeral, so I’m going to take inspiration from the Affirmators! Tarot by Suzi Barrett. “What is happening?”? The Page of Wands is an orange card with a border of vines featuring a little green Vaudevillian grasshopper tipping its bowler hat and marching with a baton.? Do you start the week trying to be positive and making the best of it?? Sometimes, you can’t fake it, but you can still make it.? I am reminded that the difficult moments do not have to define the week or the day.? It can be a yes/and as we navigate what comes our way.? “If your path demands you to walk through Hell, walk as if you own the place.” – random quote on Pinterest.
?“What is the challenge?”? The Two of Swords is a yellow card with a border of swords. It shows a green crocodile thinking, its body winding around two swords with flowers in the background.? The creature is comfortable despite its proximity to sharp weapons.? We can choose where to focus our thoughts.? I generally acknowledge when something bad happens, but I move forward if I can’t go back in time.? How do you proceed when your thoughts can cut sharper than knives?? Life is messy, and haste can result in physical and spiritual wounds.? I am unsure how much the crocodile can control its tail to avoid being harmed by the sharp edges.? Our decisions have repercussions.? How do we communicate our distress without the conversation becoming a two-edged sword? ?There will be some roads that you will need to traverse alone.? What can help you to pause in the week ahead?
?Anne S. E. Lundberg reminds us that we are juggling many balls in our lives. The challenge is determining which balls are glass and which ones are rubber.??? “What can help?”? The Ten of Wands is an orange card with a vine border and shows a two-humped camel buckling under the weight of sticks, the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.? I view this as the “something has to give” card.? Despite our diligent efforts, we drop the glass balls, and they shatter. The best we can do is avoid stepping on the shards.? Contrary to an old marketing campaign that we can “have it all,” there is always a trade-off.? Every day has been a beautiful sunny day, and due to the lack of rain, my plants are wilting.? As you plan your week, decide which balls are glass and figure out what you can let bounce.? Last week, my art was put on the back burner for more pressing issues.? What will you do to protect the fragile balls?
?“What is a way forward?”? The Four of Wands is an orange card with a border of vines showcasing a happy turtle lounging on its back with a cool drink surrounded by plants and four torches.? This turtle is not concerned about how it will get back on its feet.? It is happy and enjoying the moment while remembering to stay hydrated.? Energy is finite and must be used with intention.? Remember to celebrate your wins and build in rest.? Finding time to take three deep breaths can do wonders.? A long-term strategy for me would be honoring my decompression sessions and stop treating my well-being like a rubber ball.? ?My family has a history of making time for joy even during the direst of circumstances.? Yes, life can hand you lemons and they can be bitter, and with a little effort, they can be transformed into a super tasty lemon curd.? Namaste.
If you wish to incorporate play into your day to spark creative ideas and get unstuck, please contact me.?