Another successes and gratitudes!
- Remember how I said the family had stayed well? Welllll right after that we all had a bout of COVID. It threw us, but we managed to get through it okay, and get back to school and work the following week. I was able to recover and some awesome coworkers covered me, glad to have that behind us for now!
- Wrapped up a project a few weeks back, and am in the final phase of another, both of which have gone really well. I also got the chance to facilitate a webinar this past week that went really well!
- Managed to organize getting the whole house repainted, top to bottom- something I've wanted to get done for a few years.
- The weather is warming up, so I've gotten to hang out with a friend on the deck a few times over the past couple weeks! Looking forward to more warm weather.
- My dad has seemed to be responding well to chemo which is nice. It's good to see him feeling a bit better.
- The new paint inspired me to want to redecorate a few things- I am grateful that I was able to do that! Got a daybed for the smaller office, and a nice hall tree! Still getting everything put back but have half days off work this coming week to wrap up a few things.