- Lots of changes and challenges this year, which also helped me focus on things that are important and adapt. Learned a lot, got to do and see some really cool things, connected with great people, had some great experiences, and got to watch some amazing colleagues and team members realize some well-deserved successes as well!
- The Coaching Community of Practice did such terrific work in 2024 and it's amazing to see how many leaders and teams benefited. The group has grown into such an amazing team of coaches and I look forward to how this community and coaching will impact the organization.
- I've been in my new role for a bit and have been glad to see my prior team transforming and am looking forward to the awesome things they will do with some of the opportunities in front of them. At the same time I've been enjoying my new role and all the different and new ways I'm able to contribute.
- Have been continuing to enjoy running and singing this year, and am looking forward to more in 2025!
- I'm grateful that I've been able to invest in my health a bit more this year, finding new ways to be active (like trail running!) and doing lots of other things to help focus on my physical and mental health. I'm always learning more about what works and doesn't work for me and will continue this into the future.
- Grateful for the time and ability to travel and spend time with my family seeing amazing places. This year we had some really fabulous experiences (even if we did get stuck on a train in France for a while) and I am thankful for that opportunity.
- I'm grateful for humor, joy, beauty, nature, security, sunlight, learning, warmth, and love, and hope everyone gets all the things they hope for in the coming year.
See you all on the flip side!