Success with your Career or Business with Yildiz

Success with your Career or Business with Yildiz

Business Constellations is an informative and brief process to look at how individuals and business structures operate.??

While business requires many tiers of planning, such as strategic planning, finance structures, regular meetings and marketing, they may also benefit from Business Constellations. A way of looking at their business from another angle. A Business Constellation is a brief intervention, to look at the energy flow of the business. This would be able to locate any blocks in the system. Or between partners or departments. Or see if marketing is reaching their customers with messages that encourage sales.

A Business Constellation may also in a more personal way. In assisting in yourself and what energy you are bringing to your career or business.?

Business is are run by human beings. Human systems. Systems that emerge from ancient family with deep traditions, beliefs and patterns. While much of this may be beneficial there are aspects that may hold them back too.

In business, a constellation can show the flow of energy in the business. The blocks and sabotage that resist its natural flow. It may also show if a particular direction is the most viable or not, with possible solutions.?

This may be a Business Constellation that is of a more personal nature for the leader or founder. In highlighting blind spots. Unconscious patterns that may be solidifying into invisible patterns within the business.?

Or a Business Constellation may focus on the components of the set up or organisation. A way to see if it is performing well or not. Or whether it's in integrity with the founders’ intentions. Or the present intention or mission statements of the present company.

Imagine a person who is the creator of the business, who comes from a background with a history of struggle and suffering. Were very poor, or have a family history of bankruptcies or business failures.

Each one of the above situations, is a pattern held within that person. That may have an effect on how they make decisions in their business.?

Business owners often take part in business coaching to help them. Sort out beliefs, goals and motivation, but find that this can only go so far.?

Systemic problems need to be worked with systemically. With someone who has the knowledge and training. Where they may be able to assist in resolving the systemic patterns they hold.?

After focusing on inner blocks, they may move on to the external and practical operation. Looking at their business structure and functioning.?

The inner work done using Business Constellations is likely to assist them in gaining more clarity. So they may realign their purpose and intention.?

In my life I am continuing to resolve blocks or patterns as they arise in my awareness. Each time I do so, my business opens up to a new level. Because my intention shifts a little or a lot, or I gain more clarity, or my sense of worth changes. These factors must have an effect on how I feel about myself and what I put out into the world.

It’s good to see how the practice of Feng Shui has taken hold in many homes and businesses. In attempting to maximise the design of buildings. Or arrangements of furniture. To make a difference to the flow of energy and the comfort and ease of their inhabitants.?

Business Constellations may look at the flow of energy we bring with us to our workplace. Or run our business. Bring clarity as we reorganise and restructure. Assist us in realigning so that we are more efficient and productive to the benefit of all concerned.

I offer Business Constellations in private sessions?Details

I also offer Business Constellations training.

In Business Constellation training, you are taught how to work with individuals and groups in-person and online.?

This is Experiential learning for people who wish to excel in their own business and also facilitate the success of others.?

The Business Constellations training is taking place on 15-17 September Online. This is for those who’ve already done Family Constellations training.?Details

For those who have not yet done Family Constellations training I offer a Business Constellation package.?Details

I have a vision of work places where Business Constellation take place alongside coaching and a range of financial advisors to assist individuals and businesses to maximise their potential.

My name is Yildiz Sethi, a Pracademic focusing on Mind Science in practice, a Family constellation facilitator and trainer and innovator of Emotional Mind Integration and Rapid Core Healing and Trauma and sexual abuse recovery informed knowledge and processing.

For more information see

Family Constellations

Emotional Mind Integration

Rapid Core Healing

Yildiz Sethi

Trauma recovery

Sexual abuse Recovery


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