Success versus Failure
Alex..Alejandro G.
Musician, Classical Tenor, voice teacher, lecturer, writer, healing arts, luxury and master art sales. Always seeking opportunity.
Expansion, growth and service for the masses is success. Repression, lack of productivity and withholding wealth out of fear is failure and eventual economic death for the company. There are countries that are attempting a new way of success and abundance for all. It is called "Tara", negative interest for those who hoard wealth, knowledge and truth. People are rewarded by spending, by movement of product and the economy. The great Nikola Tesla invented AC, "alternating current" which was just that. Its current never stopped moving out and back, it was truly "free" energy that never exhausted itself. Edison invented DC, "direct current" which traveled only in one direction...out and then died and required continual supply, demanding and keeping people beholden and in need, financial slaves. This theory applies to all walks of life. People, governments, lovers, business's and creations. To withhold knowledge, invention, love and truth is the dark side of energy and life. Some countries will leave their product literally on the docks to rot out of spite so to propel the market to be in a state of need. True economic freedom and success is all about movement, the movement of product, money and the energies and ideas of new ways to increase wealth for all...not for just the few who currently have most of the wealth in this world. Companies can build nuclear war heads, pesticides, genetic modifications and amass great wealth, but yet we the people are not given the cures for cancer to a common cold. The inventions that would give all what is free by birth rite is withheld. Knowledge, education and truth of all our potential is hidden, hoarded as most of the wealth. I believe hoarding is really fear. I say sell the product, move your stock. The more people who are working, the more productivity and wealth for all. Why should works of art be hidden, resources held back, ideas killed off and even love for each other. We need to implement an "alternating current" of true intelligence to create a world where there is enough for all, opportunity for all to grow healthy, in peace and true success.