The Success Triangle
Jawaad Qureshi
PMO | Project Management Lead | Senior Project Manager | Mobile & Web Apps | Process Excellence | Lead & Learner
Success in professional life whether in business, job or an entrepreneurial effort is based on common set of principles. These principles are commonly observable all around the world. According to my observations these principles can be summed up in to a triangular form with their 3 sides namely Positive Attitude, Focus, and Effective Communication. Any one of these factors missing may deteriorate your chances of a successful career/life/Job or Business.
The success gurus all over the world consider focus as an integral part of success because when you focus on any idea, thing or situation, you concentrate your energies fully in that direction leading you to think deeply and see the broader picture within that idea, thing or situation. The power to focus helps you to connect the past events with future opportunities to understand the possibilities to reach your ultimate goal that defines your success. It provides you a better vision to plan and energy to execute that plan. The power of focus is the single main factor that helps you remain persistent for achieving your goals.
Similarly effective communication is equally important as it helps you to present your ideas and available opportunities in an effective way to your superiors, employees and investors. This skill helps you to develop synergy with the right people who can accelerate your growth so that you can reach your ultimate goal that defines your success.
But these two factors are useless without the bond of positive attitude which generates the will power and ability to focus and communicate. When you focus your thoughts on the positive things in life and ignore the negatives, you develop an attitude of gratitude which opens the door to abundance and creates peace and satisfaction within. These feelings of abundance, peace and satisfaction leads to positive energy required to reach your ultimate goal that defines your success. Positive thinking provides you the strength to practice perseverance in the tough times to come over all the obstacles you face in your way to success. It also helps you create the right intent i.e. the intent of giving whether you are doing a job or running a business or managing your relationships with your family, friends, colleagues, superiors and the society as a whole.