Success or Struggle Depends on Connection to ONE Supportive Adult

Success or Struggle Depends on Connection to ONE Supportive Adult

Every child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult.” – The Science of Resilience: Why some children can thrive despite adversity, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

As adults, we easily forget how difficult childhood and the teen years could be. The swirling emotions of fear and doubt, teamed with the challenges of relationships and expectations, were for many "the norm".

Studies continue to show what many of us recognize as common sense - that if you can find at least one caring and consistent adult to help you navigate these challenges and develop resilience, you can "make it" and discover a joyful and successful life. The problem is, did you find that one trustworthy adult and will young people today make that crucial connection?

We must understand that TIMES HAVE CHANGED and the natural connection with other generations that we older adults experienced as a young person simply does not exist. Due to significant mobility, divorce and family brokenness, children born to single moms, a myriad of societal and institutional systems that separate generations, and our increasingly busyness as adults - kids simply do not see or spend time with key adult guides to help them build skills to discover a successful adulthood. Even those stalwarts that shaped our growing up - the teachers, coaches, and counselors - often find their hands tied, today, as they try to reach out and help kids. Due to fear of potential danger, possible lawsuits to organizations, or simply fear of offending people, these key adults are often told to pull back and only interact professionally. In other words, remove the relational power of connection to younger generations... remove the encouragement of "natural mentoring"... and further drive a wedge between kids in need and the adults who will help them succeed now and in the future.

Programs like our FORGE Youth Mentoring shouldn't be needed in society. But, because of the changes in our culture and it's systems, we must be provide a "safe" and "strategic" platform to build these cross-generational relationships. And hopefully, in the near future, our program will have been able to remind and inspire the entire community to get serious about making sure generations are connected. That is when communities will be strongest as all citizens - young and old - realize their value and purpose in together growing forward!

“No society that alienates its youth and sets them adrift can continue to exist, for it is already in a state of collapse” William Mahedy and Janet Bernardi


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