Success Is Not A Straight Line #19
Dig deeper!
Self-esteem has been the focus of the coaching training I've attended.
But, the more I dig into it... out of my own journey, working with clients, and consuming many books, self-esteem is not the root.
There's a deeper problem that needs to be explored - identity.
And it doesn't stop with who you think you are.
Because it is always in relation to something else.
Is it society?
Is it nationality?
Is it your work?
Is it your bank account?
All I can say for now is to dig deeper.
Because your robust identity will influence many things, including your self-concept, your self roles including your self-esteem -the judgment of your own value.
And, without a proper foundation, your self-esteem will recklessly bounce up and down, like riding a tagada.
#dailyreminder?#dailyinspiration?#dailyinspo?#dailymotivation?#selfesteem #identity #mentalhealth #mindfulness #innerwork
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