The Success Story of Asseco Platform Implementation at Upfield
Marcin Grzegorczyk
Director of Marketing & Sales Support at Asseco Business Solutions | Asseco Platform
Asseco Platform's Retail Execution and Sales Excellence solutions have been successfully implemented at Upfield. The process took just two months and was launched in Belgium and Germany.
The Sales Representatives and Back Office employees responsible for sales support use these solutions.?
Among the many functionalities introduced at Upfield, the most noteworthy are:
- POS Materials Placement Control:?Ensures the correct placement of POS Materials like refrigerators in stores.
- Store Check:?This feature allows control of?the availability and visibility standards of Upfield products on store shelves.
- Dynamic Route Optimization:?Helps representatives spend less time traveling to customers.
Upfield has expressed high satisfaction with the implemented solutions, particularly praising the simple and intuitive interface.
#AssecoPlatform #RetailExecution #SalesExcellence #Upfield #Implementation #Belgium #Germany #SalesRepresentatives #BackOffice #POSMaterials #StoreCheck #DynamicRouteOptimization #CustomerSatisfaction #User-FriendlyInterface