Success Stories
Rohitash Chandra
AI scientist with a strong interest in metaphysics, religion and philosophy
Sharing your success stories with ambitious friends and colleagues may lead to you losing them from your inner circle. Note that it's natural for people to get jealous and offended by success stories and it is usually that people would see that as a failure on their part, since they would be silently competing with you. It is hard for people to digest that everyone has a different journal and different career paths have different requirements and measures of success.
Therefore, you may end up having a smaller inner circle over time, this is nothing wrong, but it can be avoided by not oversharing your success and ensuring that you uplift those who strive for greatness in your inner circle. I would maintain my inner circle who have been there during my tough days - and accept them for their weaknesses.
We are not perfect and at times we would unintentionally hurt others. It is best to review the inner circle every now and then and remove those who are toxic and bring you down. A bit of jealousy and disagreement are needed for friendship, but do not entertain toxic behaviour.
Not everyone is supposed to support you in everything you do. At times, it is good not to get the support so that you can reflect on the path you taking ahead. Strong leadership implies that you keep moving although lose the pack behind you.
Har Har Mahadev. Radhe Radhe!