Success Starts With You!
Elgin Carelock, MBA
TEDx Speaker | Commercial Real Estate Strategist | Business Analyst | Author | Mentor | Coach
As businesspeople and entrepreneurs, we visit platforms such as LinkedIn to gain knowledge, build networks, and potentially do business with one another, but do we fully understand what it takes to bring our plan to fruition?
We have all heard the axiom, “people buy from those they know, like, or trust”, but I wanted to share a thought with you regarding us applying that same axiom to ourselves.
How well do we really know, like, and trust ourselves?
Do we take the time for self-assessment, realization, and inventorying our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?
Simon Sinek's "Start with Why" philosophy emphasizes the importance of defining the purpose, mission, or "why" of an organization before delving into the "how" and "what." By starting with a clear and inspiring "why," businesses can more effectively connect with their audience, inspire loyalty, and drive meaningful engagement.
But is that possible if you don’t fully understand who you are?
Self-awareness is a fundamental cornerstone in building strong relationships with potential customers and people in general. By being aware of our own biases, triggers, and emotional responses, you can approach interactions with a more open and non-judgmental mindset. ?
In the realm of business and marketing, self-awareness helps us tell our story in a way that reflects who we are, our values and expectations. It’s this level of transparency that will potentially attract prospective customers or not.
More importantly, this truthfulness with yourself will make the ability to exemplify your value to your customers and the community and attract customers with your unique perspectives, skillsets, products, and services. ?
Simply stated, we must be the best version of ourselves in order to reach the level of success we desire. Whether that means going back to school, taking classes to improve areas of weakness, finding a mentor, consulting with a mental health counselor or hiring a coach, finding those who agree with your values and expectation can only happen if you know what those are.
You have to be willing to take a deep look into all of the facets of your personality to be able to be able to create a product or service that not only solves a problem for someone else, but is consistent with who you are and is demonstrated in every interaction people have with you and your brand.
Finally, self-awareness not only paves the way for more meaningful and authentic connections but also contributes to the long-term success of relationships and business interactions by nurturing trust, mutual understanding, and effective communication.