Sheilly R.
*Winner's Never Quit & Quitter's Never Win. *Slow & Steady Wins the race. These beautiful quotes not just let me think on my all around development with the determination, patience & consistency towards achieve my target
Ans. Success is just a Platform where the next difficult task is supposed to be completed.
2. What if we succeed in getting what we think of?
Ans. The person who succeeds is the only one who knows the Pressure, Dedication, Habits, Sacrifices, Emotional breakdown, Commitments and other aspects.
3. Why do we need success in life?
Ans. We always desire the next best opportunity.
" In Economics it's a wants that keep us working effectively and efficiently during our whole journey".
4. Why success is seen?
Ans success is only seen when everything fits without any negative thought of the process which takes us towards our Success.
5. Why few people are biased about telling his/her success?
Ans. People who have bits of dilemmas in their life they feel that it might take in some loophole or confusion in their mind whether will it fit for them, whether they will like my strategies or not, After telling others about my secrets will it fit them or not.
so wholesomely they just want to be more sure that the journey they choose will be fit for next others as well.
6. Brainstorm your mind and do something productive activity just within a few seconds.
Ans. Close your eyes and think if this success is yours. Do you want this only?
if yes please continue with your work and if not please do put in a comment box what you think of might writing it here or in something which you have to use or see daily you will see one day that you are so close to your goal which you have put it here in writing.