SUCCESS Is the result of:
I wrote that we create a life of lasting brilliance when we are equal parts?
?1)?invested?in what matters (ex. everlasting truth, people’s lives) and?
?2)?detached?from all that doesn’t matter (ex. fear of inadequacy and rejection) and we invest in people by giving them...
?Encouragement –?
Every person you meet is either doing something great or going through something hard. Either way, your encouragement can be fresh air to gasping lungs.
people need more than empathy if they’re going to elevate - urge them to ascend the steep.
helping others make money in their career is a practical way to show your thoughtfulness.
?This is the backbone of all growth in any business. You MUST offer encouragement, challenge and commerce in order to develop any organization
?This is how we have grown at DCI Solutions, we invest in our efforts to your benefit and we detach from the matters that are not critical to your financial success.