Success Requires A Long-Term Approach

Success Requires A Long-Term Approach

You're not going to go from the mailroom to the boardroom in a few short months, right?

Probably not even in a few years.

So why do you think you can undo years - or in some cases decades - of unhealthy habits, poor eating, and stress in just a few months of effort?

If you’re not about getting fit and improving your health for the long term, you’re going to struggle. And likely, never reach your goals at all.

When clients and I start working together, a common desire is wanting to achieve a certain look by a certain date. Maybe they want to lean out for their wedding. Or look their best when they take their shirt off at the beach on vacation.

And while there’s nothing wrong with wanting to accomplish these goals, without evening knowing it, you’re setting yourself up for failure before you even start.

No one wants to get in great shape, only to end up back out of shape, right? Yet, that’s what happens to so many people: Spend months dieting and training hard, look great for summer, and then gradually start packing back on the pounds until you’re softer and rounder than when you started.

And on top of that, not only have you undone all that hard work, but put even further stress on your physical and mental health.

A big reason why this happens is not taking a long-term view when it comes to your health and fitness.

Most people are sold the false impression that they can complete one 30-day challenge or diet for a few months, and viola - They finally built the body they’ve always wanted!

The problem is if you don’t take a long-term approach, and only view the changes you made to get those results as temporary, then the results are only going to be temporary as well.

You can’t make long-term, permanent changes to your body without making long-term, permanent changes to your habits and lifestyle at the same time.

That doesn’t mean giving up things you love and enjoy. But it does mean changing how you make choices.

It means changing your priorities.

It means changing how you think.

And it also means changing how you act. It means stopping the crash diets and running yourself into the ground with daily workouts.?It means taking active steps toward managing stress and improving sleep.

But most importantly, it means stepping outside your comfort zone and doing things that are hard, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar. Like counting macros, taking more time away from the gym, or saying ‘No’ more often; to drinks, desserts, dinners out, etc.

It means doing things you've never done before so you can get results you've never gotten before.

And then keep them.

Your health and fitness is not a 30-day sprint or "X"-number-of-week program. It's not something you just do until your vacation rolls around.

It's a life-long mindset that requires your participation in some form every single day - at least if you want life-long results.

This is the approach we take at Sustain Health & Performance through our Executive Life Transformation program. Over the first few months we create a foundation of good habits that not only help you get fit and improve your performance but optimize your metabolism and functional health - so that once the initial phase of your plan is over, we can start building life-long health and a body you love and can keep, forever.

That's the Executive Life way: a daily long-term approach for life-long health and fitness.

Interested in learning more about how our approach could help you? Comment 'Tell Me More' below and I'll reach out to chat and we'll see if our program is a good fit for you.

Unmesh Bandekar

Retired Coach and Market enthusiast Helping Coaches to scale since 2013 "A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life." - John Wooden

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