Success is a product of the way you think
Your mind is very powerful. In fact it determines your future. If you think great things are going to happen to you they likely will. Just thinking of course has to be followed up with exececution. If you think you will retire on lottery winnings you have to buy lottery tickets. If I think and believe I will be a successful financial advisor then I must still execute properly. Execution comes in two buckets. The first is to be an expert in all aspects of my vocation. The first includes product knowledge, markets, logistics, compliance, technology and how to create solutions to fit customer needs. The second bucket is the differentiator in your ability to succeed. We need to understand our customers and how they think. This interaction of how they think and how you think then enables you to consumate solutions which work for them. Solutions they will buy and keep! We can learn how customers think and that is the skill set we need to embrace. They will become your raving fans and send new customers to you. This is the circle of success.