Success Principles
Cate Gachanja Affinity Leader
?????? & ???????????????????????????? | ????Recreational Runner | ?? Motivational Speaker |??Philanthropist | ??Mentor | ??Mountaineer | ??Avid Reader/Reviewer | ??PhD Student | Bi-Lingual??
Early this week I moderated a book review session.? There is always a first time and when this opportunity was shared with me, I said YES to the GREAT!? The Success Principles by Jack Canfield was my Book 14 of 2024! See the nuggets below that I shared! The Book has 64 principles and if you haven't read the book, I would encourage you to do so.
1. Be willing to Pay the Price: You need the will to prepare so that you can win! Be it in your education, training, practice, discipline or sacrifice.
2. Ask! Ask! Ask!: This is a powerful secret to success and happiness as you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking.
3. Reject Rejection: Everyone who has ever made it to the top has had to endure rejection.
4. Commit to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement: It takes only a little extra bit of performance to go from good to great.
5. Keep Score for Success: This is by measuring what you want more of and posting your scores where you and many others can easily see them.
6. Practice Persistence: This is the single most common quality of high achievers. You have to fall down 7 times and get up 8 times!
7. Practice the Rule of 5: Success is the sum of small efforts (five specific things) repeated day in and day out that will move your goal towards completion.
8. Exceed Expectations: Successful people do more to experience personal transformation, becoming more self-confident, more self-reliant and more influential with those around them.
9. Drop out of the "Ain't it Awful" club and surround yourself with successful people: You have to start hanging out with more successful people if you want to be more successful.
10. Acknowledge Your Positive Past: Knowing you had successes in the past will give you the self-confidence that you can have more successes in the future.
11. Keep Your Eye on the Prize: Focus on a regimen before bedtime to acknowledge successes, review goals, focus on successful future, make specific plans for what you want to accomplish next day.
12. Complete the Past to Embrace the Future: All of us can change our tomorrows by forgiving who/whatever it to avoid using valuable energy we need to forge ahead.
13. Transform Your Inner Circle into an Inner Coach: We are what we think we are today, where our thoughts have brought us and we will be tomorrow where our thoughts take us.
14. Learn More to Earn More: Leaders are readers and committing to reading one book a week, reviewing it and applying the learnings from each book, a leader will be miles ahead of everyone else in creating an extraordinary life.
15. Redefine Time: Most successful people create superior results yet still maintain a balance among work, family, and recreation in their lives.
16. Just Say No! To be successful in achieving your goals and creating your desired lifestyle, you will have to get good at saying no, without feeling guilty to all of the people and distractions that would otherwise devour you.
17. Hire a Personal Coach: You need to be coached to reach your maximum capabilities.
18. Be Hear Now: Listen a hundred times, ponder a thousand times, speak once!
19. Speak with Impeccability: So that you can see the world more clearly where all your fears are taken away, and transforming it into joy and love.
20. Practice Uncommon Appreciation: Successful people master the art of appreciation. Make a difference by caring and make someone feel appreciated.
21. Be a Class Act: Do fewer things but do them better. Raise the quality of your attitude and change your behaviours for the better.
22. Develop a Positive Money Consciousness: Identify your limiting beliefs about money and make fun of your limiting belief.
23. You Get What You Focus On: You must seek wealth for it to seek you.
24. To Spend More, First Make More: Think outside the box and create multiple sources of income.