Success is a Lie
Photo by Adam E Freedman my amazing friend and stellar photographer. Book him for everything, he's a jack of all trades.

Success is a Lie

Success is a lie. The things we're told equate to a successful life, are all a forgery.

Growing up, it's ingrained in you that you must go to the most prestigious of universities to be deemed as worthy. This ends up putting most people into debt.

You're told you have to have a huge home, with a yard, and multiple rooms for your growing family. This puts most people into debt.

You're told to get married, and you've got to have a decent wedding. Not only is the average cost of a wedding in America ridiculous ($35,000) and more than most individuals yearly income, but it's a gigantic cause of stress. They forgot to tell you that most marriages end in divorce, which slims out your wallet even further and takes a few years off your life as well I would assume.

You have to have a nice car, and you're enticed to get a new one every few years to keep up with appearances. This also puts most people into debt, robbing them blind in the process.

You need the coolest clothes, and tech accessories to be seen as successful. You end up buying things you can't afford because of all the other bad choices you've made financially.

You travel, because your Instagram feed is looking pretty boring and you need new things to get likes on.

On top of that, you have to attend all the best functions and eat at the nicest restaurants and spend money like you've got extra to blow. You probably use a credit card for this, because let's be honest money doesn't grow on trees.

If you don't do all of the above, you're seen as poor. However, it's really the people who have done most of these things are are truly broke. 

Break the mold, do whatever the hell you want within your abilities. Don't overextend yourself to create a false appearance of wealth and success. 

Make a few dinners at home, have a low key wedding that's fun and stress free, buy a house within your budget and upgrade when the time is right. Drive the same car for a few years because guess what, most of them actually are "built to last." Don't kill yourself trying to appear as though you're in a tax bracket you're not even close to. 

This is a reminder to take a look around, and make changes where they're necessary. Do your own thing, and maybe then you'll find the happiness you've been searching for all along.

This is a public service announcement by yours truly, because I just felt like talking about what matters right now. Thanks for reading this far, you're the best. - Candice Galek

?? Tell me your thoughts, if I am wrong let me know. Let's chat. 

Thomas Rosariyo

Student at Divyadaan

8 个月

I agree with your words. Most of the time people tend to live for others by fulfilling others intentions and forget to live for themselves...

John Dunia

Guiding others on their journeys of Emotional Healing. Author of "Shame On Me". Guest speaker for emotional healing, shame, and personal development. Working one-on-one or small groups.

5 年

It is so much more than a public service announcement, Candice Galek- Click Follow To Learn More ??. Such words coming from someone who can be easily perceived as successful, carry major influence.? Thank you for these thoughts and I hope we start to pay attention to them much more than the current "ideals" on success!

Marcella Melguizo

Highly resourceful, adaptable, efficient, and proactive Bilingual Executive Assistant with a proven track record of success.

5 年

So true!?



