How Successful Business People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Michael Kissinger
What is Your Definite Purpose? Our Purpose is to Help You FREE with Common Sense-Proven-No BS-High Performance-Guaranteed Coaching to Turn Your Vision into Reality or Build Your Business or Generate Millions.
Daily Success Tip: Successful Business People leaves tracks
Many years ago I began searching for the secrets of success and what I discovered was this interesting principle: success leaves tracks.
A wise man who had studied success for more than 50 years concluded that the greatest success principle of all was, "learn from the experts."
Learn From the Experts
If you want to be a big success in any area, find out what other successful people in that area are doing, and do the same things, until you get the same results.
When I studied the interviews, speeches, biographies and autobiographies of successful men and women, I found that they all had one quality in common. They were all described as being "extremely well organized."
They used their time very, very well. They were highly productive and they got vastly more done in the same period of time than the average person.
Be Both Effective and Efficient
High performing men and women were both effective and efficient. They did the right things, and they did them in the right way. They were constantly looking for ways to improve the quality and quantity of their output.
As a result, their contribution to their organizations was vastly higher and therefore much better paid, than the contributions of the average person.
$3.7 Trillion Industry to Help You Prosper
I am curious, how do you relate the idea of a certain industry helping when it comes to your life?
I am curious, if not money, what do you want most out of your life, profession, business or career? What do you want least…?
Most people want more money, less stress, and more time with family. They want 1 or more of 21 things.
1. To own a business to control their financial future
2. Prosperity and financial independence
3. To support family members financially
4. To have work they enjoy
5. Not to worry about unexpected expenses
6. Financial security with no debts
7. Be able to buy luxuries and possessions
8. Have money for retirement
9. Recognition for achievement
10. Education for self and children
11. Peace of mind
12. Good family relationships and time with their family
13. More time for hobbies and recreation
14. More friends, deeper relationships and acceptance
15. Excellent health and fitness
16. Opportunities for fun and happiness
17. Their own home or a new or nicer home
18. Their own car or a new or nicer car
19. 1st Class travel
20. Leave an estate to their heirs
21. Make charitable contributions
To get these 21 things there are 5 things you must do…
1. Don’t change. Start an I-Commerce Business. This is a business where you get paid for recommendations and promotions. Things you have always done since you were 5 years old but not paid for. Now you can get paid for them.
2. Buy from your own business and receive discounts and volume bonuses
3. Specialize and develop clients in your business and received up to 35% discounts and bonuses
4. Refer others to your business and build a team of like-minded people who want to do this and received bonuses
5. Be teachable. Accept professional coaching until you are successful or making at least $5,000-$10,000 per month
What do we do?
We’re in I-Commerce. What this means is we show people how to have their own Internet on-line shopping malls, so they make unlimited money 24 hours day 7 days a week in the $3.7 trillion health, wellness, fitness and beauty Industry.
So, what is it going to be for you… Doing what you have always done expecting to get a different result. OR
1. Spending an Hour that Turns Your Life Around and Puts You on the Right Career Plan.
2. Grabbing a destiny that is just waiting to be fulfilled by you
3. Creating the Life and Career You Always Wanted and Have Your Best Year Ever
4. Getting 1 or more of 21 things most people want. More money, less stress, and more time with family, etc.
5. Making unlimited income working in the $3.7 trillion health, wellness, beauty, fitness and consumable industry
6. Getting paid from the $33 billion commission pool paid out by our global $10 billion business that is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau
7. Receiving coaching, mentoring from world class professionals who will help you get 1 or more of 21 things most people want.
8. The rest is up to you.
Have we connected yet?
Have you’ve thought about working with a team of millionaire professionals and mentors… creating a dreamy career…making a SIGNIFICANT impact...finding super cool people to be friends with (the kind who like to travel the world, go out for gorgeous dinners and work for themselves, too)?
We'd like to have a "Meet and Greet" with you and talk about what you're up to and how together we can make this your best year ever. Let’s discuss what we are doing for a living and how what we’re doing will benefit you. This will be a win-win for all of us. Let me know your thoughts.
Would it be OK if we showed you A Plan to Get the 21 Things that Most Women Want and advance your career? This is a free million-dollar-one-hour mentoring session that helps you…
· Create the Life You Always Wanted and Have Your Best Year Ever
· Fire your boss and hire yourself as you advance your career to heights you only dream of
· Stop your boss from laughing every time you ask for a raise
· Stop your job from stealing your life
· Stop paying maximum tax on your paycheck.
· Make every day a Saturday
· Start your business so you have the best year ever!
· Keep your priorities straight
· Release yourself from the crowd of followers
· Reverse failure by uncovering the essence of it
· Make yourself more valuable
· Discover the right opportunity and make it work for you
· Ignite your ambition and launch yourself to the highest heights in the financial world
· Fulfill your destiny that is waiting to be fulfilled and is much more!
Can you say no to such a whopper of a deal? Probably not without kicking yourself. So, don't do that. Instead... take us up on this, we’ll guide you through the path to your financial, business, prosperity and life success...
We know you have success in you. Everyone does. But HOW and HOW FAST are really the big question. This is the answer. Will I see you at your Free Coaching Session?
You'll see a new you when you're done with it.
To Your Success,
Michael Kissinger
Profit Builders Inc
Phone 415-678-9965
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Normally you would pay a small fortune in tuition and spend several days sitting in a big conference hotel ballroom) to get access to this goldmine of life and career-changing information. But you can have access to it NOW, in a single coaching session, and it’s TOTALLY FREE!!! So, make sure you reserve your spot by contacting us now.
P.P.S. We are curious, what do you do for a living? What do you like most about what you are doing?
If you’re serious about living your greatest life and achieving massive success in ALL areas of your life this year (wealth, health, relationships, career or business), then make sure you do everything you can to attend this free life-changing coaching session.
P.P.S. I am curious, how many people do you know want to make their 1st million or start a business? Let us know.
To help you we offer them several industries and businesses to help them win in life.
For instance...
The $3.7 trillion health and wellness industry,
The $50 billion personal development industry,
The $175 billion network marketing industry and
The $2 billion coaching industry
These industries offers you a great opportunity to eliminate any unemployment, homelessness and poverty you may be experiencing
To help you we direct them to a $10 billion company and $2 billion personal development and training company to help them and their families win in life.
We are doing a free coaching and training to help you. Can be done over the phone, on Skype or in person. RSVP Required: Call 415-678-9965 for free coaching session.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:
First, develop a study plan today to learn from the experts in these fields. This can save you years of hard work.
Second, decide what the most important thing to do is, and then decide how to do it.
If you need help call 415-678-9965
God Bless,