Success Insights – Closed Minds limit Possibilities!
Monica Rogers-Fletcher ? CCA/EMCC Accredited Elite Influencer Coach
Bridging the gap between Potential and Performance for Corporate Business Leaders.
As an Accredited Elite Influencer Coach, I stay in business because forward-thinking companies understand the value of investing in their key executives and senior managers. To perform at their best and inspire the same in their teams, leaders must embrace the unlearning and relearning essential for creativity and top performance—something a closed mind simply cannot achieve.
Coaching and training serve very different purposes. Training provides knowledge, often externally imposed, which may fade within weeks and may not fully align with the recipient’s unique needs. Coaching, on the other hand, stimulates a willingness to apply knowledge by drawing out what is already within the individual. Unlike training, coaching is tailored to the participant, fostering long-term growth and effectiveness which lasts throughout their career and beyond. Where training works outside-in, coaching transforms from the inside-out, making it far more impactful.
Coaching is purely voluntary, requiring an open mind to access its transformative insights. Those who are overly focused on external information often overlook the profound wisdom within themselves. This untapped inner intelligence holds the potential to greatly enhance the quality of their thinking and, in turn, deliver significant improvements in their results. For minds closed to learning from within, the true benefits of coaching remain out of reach, and limit their access to possibilities.
There is often a significant gap between what someone knows and what they actually do. Just because someone knows what to do—and understands they should do it—doesn’t mean they will. In fact, more often than not, they don’t. Simply having knowledge does not guarantee improved thinking nor enhanced performance. If your senior managers operate this way—knowing but not doing, then, I can help and I am just a click or email away.?
There is a proven process designed to help your senior managers and their teams bridge the gap between knowledge and action, as well as information and performance, which you will discover when?you sign up for Professional Coaching with a qualified Elite Influencer Coach.??
According to Eric Hoffer, “In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”? If this describes your team, how is that working for you?? Or would you prefer them to be more insightful, adaptable, and forward-thinking?
Invest in your Top Leaders and Teams and let their growth compound your success.
Your Success is my Business