The Success Foundation For Your Practice
The Success Foundation For Your Practice
There are six major ingredients that you need in order to turn your practice around and become truly successful:
- You must think like a successful doctor.
- You must believe like a successful doctor.
- You must embrace change as a necessary part of your path to success.
- You must set and pursue goals like a successful doctor.
- You must model the systems of a successful doctor.
- You must measure and track key performance indicators like a successful doctor.
Success Ingredient #1 – What You Think
11 Unique Ways A Successful Doctor Thinks About Their Practice That’s Different From A Struggling Doctor!
Thoughts Are Powerful
? Every breakthrough and success you’ll have in your practice starts with a simple thought in your mind.
? Thoughts are the seeds that grow into more patients, growing revenues, and larger profits.
? If you can change the way you think about your practice, you can change your entire life and your practice.
? That also means that you need to guard your mind like your life depends on it, because in fact it does.
? You can’t be passive about what you’re reading, watching, and listening to. You must be a vigilant soldier of your success-driven mindset.
Successful Practice Owner Difference #1
Successful doctors consistently focus on the habits they need to develop in order to accomplish their big goals. The truth of the matter is that your habits will either serve as a springboard to your next level of success or as a quicksand pit that keeps you stuck at your current level. These success habits include things like:
- Regularly attending practice marketing and management conferences.
- Reading and investing in books.
- Taking practice improvement courses.
- Weekly meetings with staff and employees to track and review goals.
- Bringing in subject matter experts to quickly implement solutions.
Successful Practice Owner Difference #2
Successful doctors realize that virtually everything they read, watch, and listen to needs to support their belief that success is truly possible in every area of their practice. It’s a proven fact that if you truly believe something is possible, you tend to focus on the ways to make that possibility a reality. If you don’t think something is possible, then you will tend to focus on why it can’t be done. Three stages of possibility thinking that people can either get stuck in or go through:
- Nothing is possible.
- Something is possible.
- Anything is possible.
Successful Practice Owner Difference #2 cont.
Ask yourself the question…
“When presented with a new strategy for getting more patients, do I first think of the ways I could succeed or the ways I could fail?”
High achieving doctors are always looking for ways to get to the next level of success they envision. The only real question for successful owners is… “What must they change and/or do to get to their next level of success.” Is that how you view getting to the next level?
Successful Practice Owner Difference #3
Successful doctors know that they’ll never be successful if they don’t master delegation. The top doctors have a very specific view of their role as the owner and what they should and should not be doing in their practice. They know the value of delegating specific types of tasks to their staff so that they can spend a certain percentage of their time on high-value tasks. These high-value tasks include developing new marketing campaigns, creating new streams of income, and adapting to constantly changing local market conditions. They know the value of creating systems for interviewing, selecting and hiring new employees, managing staff, and using standard processes and procedures for every area of their practice.
This is an excerpt from my new book titled "Patient Growth Accelerator" which will be released on May 7, 2020! I hope you enjoyed reading.