Success is being who you are
Jean Marie Beyinda
Designer UI/UX et Développeur Front-End | Graphic Designer | Flutter Dev | NextJS Dev | Marketing Expert | YouTuber | Developer | Writer | Teacher
Welcome to possibly the most important article you’ll ever read in your life because in this article, I’m going to reveal to you how I became successful and how you can do it as well. Rest assured, this is not clickbait and what I’m about to reveal to you is life changing, if only you’ll believe it. Congratulations already, if you opened this article, you are part of the 18% of the world who read books for fun. Half of the world is watching Netflix right now and the other quarter are busy sleeping or being bored.
What does success mean to?you?
The first thing about success is determining what it means to you and believe it or not many people don’t even know that much. We usually attach having a lot of money to being successful, but there are billionaires who commit suicide and even the richest people on earth didn’t set out to have much money, so if you consider success as having a lot of money then I’m afraid you might not know what you want in the first place. Generally success is when we realize a long-term vision, we have people like?Bill Gates and his vision for a portable computer, Elon Musk and his vision for humans to go to Mars, Jeff bezos and his vision for e-commerce and many others.?In this regard these people can consider themselves successful not because they made much money during the process but rather because they were able to see their vision come to life. So in the same way you should ask yourself the question to know what is your vision for the future?
Knowing what we?want
It can be really hard for some people to figure out what exactly they want in life. For those who grew up in poor homes they just want to have an easy life which passes through having a lot of money and thus they become fixated on money to the point where they forget that money is just a tool and not the end goal. For those who grew up in wealthy homes it is very difficult to know what you want exactly because everything seems to be in your reach and a vision which is easy to obtain is worthless. To be able to achieve success you must know what you want and it can’t be money. Are you looking for prestige? Safety?? Prove yourself to your peers? Accomplish the unthinkable?? Become famous?? Whatever it is you want, you must be able to put it in words, at least in your head.
The journey to?success
When you know what you want then it becomes a lot easier to achieve it. The best way to take the road to success is to go at it with fun. If you’re able to walk on this path while smiling, then that will make your journey a lot easier as opposed to you walking on a road you don’t even want to walk on. That’s why people who work as freelancers are way happier even if they earn less, because they enjoy what they do.?To achieve success, don’t pick the easier path, but pick the path of the greatest fun for you. The journey might not be short or the most straightforward, but during this journey, you are going to have so much fun to the point of forgetting all these difficulties.
It’s easy to lose sight of what we want and get distracted by what other people are doing by so doing we start comparing ourselves to others and we feel inferior. Remember that no two people are the same and what will make one person happy isn’t necessarily what will make another person happy. We tend to develop a sense of envy which afterwards leads to dissatisfaction when we compare ourselves to others, that’s why it feels like a constant race to be the first.
Success is being who you?are
We often want to find validation in the eyes of others, we secretly yearn for others to appreciate us and somewhat confirm to us that we are successful while in actuality, we are desperately seeking for validation from our own selves. Living a fake life wouldn’t bring you long-term happiness, all the cars and the jewelry are just artificial happiness we buy to make up for emotions which are already in us. If you are able to be yourself and to accept who you are to the fullest,?congratulations! You are a success.
Find satisfaction in yourself