Success Analysis

Success Analysis

Having tasted the success, it always results in a terrific state of mind. Nothing compares to this amazing feeling that changes the whole world around you for a moment. It makes you feel like exceeding the past and opening new dimensions consequently... IF! If success is perceived properly. Sounds fishy, but success is partly created by its perception also. I bet you have passed some of them unknowingly without any recognition. As I dare to bet also that you have celebrated, some of them more than they would have been deserved it. Although, this phenomenon is pretty routinish, it should be treated as a warning sign with its lessons to learn.?

Success can make us snow blinded and arrogant. It can easily lead to reproduction, resulting only schemes and self-repetition preventing real progress. This is especially true if we recon success as a target and not as a consequence coming from efforts.?

Success must be studied for the same reason as history. Only motivation makes the difference. While you study history in order to avoid the already experienced sufferings through centuries, you should study or even more analyse success to be part of it over and over again. With no study and analysis, both history and success will avenge themselves in their own way soon.

Success analysis should be accurate. The more superficial it is, the more it will generate simpler decisions than it requires. Neglect could easily lead to superficial decision-making based on only some outstanding characters and selected pieces of information. Without further consideration of the information received, we shall be more self-important to make a distinction between the good and the bad.

Whilst perception of success in a proper way is important dearly, in and of itself it alone is not enough to achieve success in the future. Nothing but analysis is a super must for that. All you need is thinking over 5 aspects honestly by answering 5 simply questions as the follows:

1) Identification

Was it a real success or something else? You need to separate success from other concepts or illusions e.g. so many times we feel to find success when we only have a relatively hard job completed.

2) Pricing

What was the value of the success? This question is good for reviewing if success brought real values or innovation to you or to the others e.g. having honour or privilege is not a success itself even if it feels like that.

3) Flashback

What helped and what blocked you? One of the most important things is to be aware of the environment and the circumstances which helped and blocked your success to evolve.

4) Fortune Factor Filter

What was the part that wasn’t on you? Fortune factor should be reduced as much as possible in the future even if at a given time it was on your side.

5) Contrary Test

What could have been the slip of the success? If we didn't succeed, it didn't matter how close we were. However, if we have achieved success, it is worth being aware of how much it was safe. This consideration gives account of the potential obstacles you might have ignored, but could have killed your success.

Success requires preparedness and persistence but the consequence of success requires real attention.?

Analysis provides good basis to keep attention up and helps starting to manage your success in the future. Don't hesitate too much! Why don't you give it a try now? Let’s pick up the pieces of your recent success that you still remember well and start analysing as it was presented. It won’t take long, but it will be very instructive, and you’ll even enjoy it. So, in favour of your next success, take a deep breath and then ask yourself the five questions!

Recommended song: Dave Brubeck – Take Five

You may also like: Competency of Goddamn Luck


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