Success - The 4 Ds
Iqbal AZIM
Board Member, Director - Strategy & Growth Talks about #Strategy #Growth #Leadership #MergerAndAcquisition #SteelIndustry #Steel #IndustrialStrategy #CorporateGovernance #Policy #CircularEconomy #ESG
Success has differential connotations, variable by region, culture, society & community. For some success could be achievements & accomplishments, for others success is wealth & possessions and for few, success is a journey of fulfillments, self-actualization and leaving a legacy behind after they are gone from this world. Personally, I find all those versions of success as valid. Fair enough, that said, how you wish to see your success is what matters.
On our purpose of being justified with the subject, the meaning of success should be an attainment, an accomplishment, and or a progress. It is certainly not a destination to arrive but a journey to travel through that would see you not just to survive but thrive in a domain of distinction. The pathway to success is narrowed, rough patched, uneven, zigzagged, very long, full of distractions, hurdles and obstacles. One has to learn to navigate through all these to successful.
Success is the sum total of - feeling that tingle emotions about what you do, sticking with what really matters, enduring through hard times & tests, living a meaningful & purposeful life you would feel proud of in retrospect.
In this article, let us deal with success, break it into four pieces of Ds, as to highlight the importance of direct inputs and find right mix as ingredients for success. The four Ds of success: Determination–Desperation–Deliberation–Discipline.
The determination
As the axiom goes “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” You need grit, more than smartness to be determined to work hard towards your journey of success. Research findings clearly have documented the trend that smart people avoid challenges, due to fear of failures. Determination is unshakable decision to remain focused on your goals & objectives. And as long as you are determined,?you would create ways and means to the pathways towards your aimed destination. ?Determination is mental enabler to do all required, provide of everything needed and get things done by all means. Do-or-die level of attitude, the go-getter-mindset, the fighter-and-conqueror inspiration.
Transformative force Hard work beats talents, when talents do not work hard. Determination is that force which transforms an average into extraordinary and ultimately meeting with success. Talents, abilities and skills may land you into a role, but only determination would take you to the successful performance into that role.
Fuel of your journey The power of being focused, aimed, aligned and committed – is the hallmark of an individual to be successful in just-any-in-life. The doers find ways to work, the excuser find ways to escape – there lies the power of determination. You got to create, enable, provide, endeavor and endure all it takes to remain there on the path of journey towards success.
Endurance force Success is not for smoother path walkers, successful is for those determined individuals who love to walk their talks irrespective of all hurdles, hardships and hailstorms. Never-give-up attitude, face-everything aptitude, kind of individuals who love their failures, hear more nos, accept rejections, deal with shortcomings & embarrassments yet continue their journey. Determination is that enduring force that powers the journey, irrespective of hindrances, obstacles, difficulties, diversions and detours.
The desperation
By desperation here we mean in the context of an urge to act, a fire within to have combustion of movements, a catalyzer to change. The man with fire within, can never be defeated by situations and circumstances. That desperation is required to compete, conquer and culminate.
If necessity was the mother of inventions, desperation is the power of changes and innovations. You got to be desperate to be better, achieve more, go beyond borders, exceed limits and be successful. Never settle with status-quo, be uncompromising with mediocrity of your own performances, always be on look for what could be better today than it was yesterday for you and make it a habit to be desperate for being better towards your success. Being desperate could be selfish, be ok with being selfish, accept being comfortable with your comfortable situations.
In the year 2005 Steve JOBS, in Stanford, in the opening words of his speech, he profoundly said “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”, that is for us to use as recurring reminder to sate our curiosity and to love learning. To allow selves to pursue creative interests. To urge and remain perpetually striving to do better, achieve more, deliver best. Stay hungry stay foolish deeply connotes an insight that?we should never stop learning and we should always attempt things in novelties. We should be courageous and never be afraid to go beyond border. We must have wants, we can always do something better than we ever have done in the past.
The more desperate you would be, the more efforts you would put into your works. As we say in subcontinent, "Jitna gur daalo gay utna hee meetha hoga: ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????"
Desperation is often underrated and generally misunderstood. However, never take desperation in negative assertion, it’s a powerful motivation rather.
The deliberation
Deliberation is a unique strength of an individual – to be collaborative, cooperative and combining. Deliberation in our context means, careful consideration and meticulous planning are invaluable skills. When faced with new projects or challenges, taking time to thoroughly analyze the situation, weighing potential risks and devising strategies to overcome them. By approaching work with a deliberate mindset, you would ensure yourself as well-prepared for any obstacles they may encounter.
At work or in person spaces – there are moments where you take incredible action after critical thinking and deep-dived insightful plannings and provisions. A thorough pros & cons consideration, risk & rewards factors analyses, resources & related factors list-outs and all that would take as enabler are the style of individuals with deliberations. Being mindful at things we take as expertise, being cautious on our resources and being smart with our goals – not that difficult to be deliberate.
Individuals with the strength of deliberation experience sense of confidence and fulfillment. They know that their thoughtful actions have positive impacts and aimed for meaningful results. Their personal growth reflects outward, inspiring others to embrace their own strengths and contribute with their unique perspectives. Deliberate approach minimizes the likelihood of mistakes with huge financial implications and unforeseen challenges. By carefully assessing risks and taking well-informed decisions, which help the organization and team to operate with utmost efficiently. Your deliberate thoughtfulness influences your interactions with colleagues, coworkers & friends, fostering the circular culture of mutual trust, respect and inspirations.
The discipline
Discipline is the ability to control one’s impulses and desires in order to stay focused on vision. It does involve making conscious choices, maintain tangible consistency, embrace tenacity and make sacrifices in the present moment for valuable rewards & returns ahead in future. Discipline is an important behavior in life, which acts as a monitor and controller to do everything. Parallelly discipline sets the tone and gives direction. Be it in education, entrepreneurship, sports or technology, one who has the highest discipline, who succeeds more.
Let us recall what Warren Buffet has to say on discipline, “We don’t have to be smarter than the rest, we have to be more Disciplined than the Rest”. Discipline is a superpower that gives you the ability to overcome obstacles, resist temptations, and stay committed to your aspirations, goals and objectives. It’s what separates the winners from the dreamers. With discipline, you have the power to take charge of your life and create the future you always have desired.
I would mention our super-senior industry colleague Khalajith Prabha Nediyath, he often encourages all of us to be physically proactive, live a healthy lifestyle, play outdoor sports, eat only healthy food and work very hard. At this age of 65, he is far more fit, smart and proactive, hence a role-model for many of us.
Whether it’s about pursuing a course for education, aspiring to be a leader in your domain & industry, improving your health, wellness and physical fitness, and / or building strong relationships in your professional networking – discipline is essential for turning your aspirations into reality.
While the fact is irrefutable that motivation is a catalyst in individuals' and groups' success, however, motivation could be momentary, while the discipline is in perseverance. Motivation could fade over time, but discipline sustains, remains there, and grows over a time. Motivation is mindset and discipline is a lifestyle substance. ?Motivation starts the project, while discipline accomplishes it.
Message for leadership
There aren’t any shortcuts and easy map for navigation towards pathways to successes. Hard works, with all matrix of the four Ds - learn the virtue of hard work at an early age. Long sleep, luxuries, and comforts would never be an option to barter with success.
You can’t delegate your push-up and running exercises – there ae many things you got to do all by yourself, and none can replace and substitute you on that. Be that exceptionally best in things you do by yourself.
You need to risk everything — I really mean everything. You got to dare to try your first taste of the risks, entrepreneurs and great leaders take. Being authentic, brutally honest, highly ethical, and unshakably committed.
The regime of physical and mental workouts gives your life structure, discipline of consistency & tenacity and motivation.
Develop confidence based on solid competency, attain courage backed by conviction, practice compassion and kindness as they really mater for being truly a great person.
Its critical to surround yourself with positive influences who share similar values of self-discipline. Find mentors, join communities that support personal growth and encourage accountability. Be always for a look out for people smarter, more knowledgeable and more accomplished than you – as natural choice of being influenced. Being part of a group of high-performing and niche individuals would provide motivations during challenging times while also enabling to avail opportunities for learning from their personal experiences and exceptionally developed insights.