To Succeed, Make it Visible!
"Clarity of vision is?to know?the future state you want and how to get there."
A large agile program (~200 people, +150 countries) was going pretty well. When I joined it in January 2019, the program manager told me: "I like how things are going. But I have no clear plan and do not know if we will have a major issue in the next months".
I needed to do something about it. After all, Transparency is one of the words I repeat the most in the Lean Trilogy and Agile doesn't mean that there are no plans. But new features were coming in, all the time, as new countries started using the solution.
Once I could understand the flow of new requests, the following picture came up:
The largest teams were the ones working in the Implementation (using Scrum) and they had members working upstream, together with members of other teams, in the Analysis and Refinement. This is how "Teams of Teams" was implemented and working relatively well.
Since we were using Jira, I just put this image in an HTML page, extracted the numbers using Javascript through Jira RestAPI and ... voilà! A nice overview with a direct connection to the reality, real-time values, and drill-down capabilities (numbers were clickable, showing the list of tickets) was visible to everyone. Out of this, we could observe the trend of incoming requests, the ratio of approved ones, and how many were deployed into production every sprint. Based on this info, the first conclusion was the we were going to be finished by the end of October and after confirming this observation Sprint after Sprint, the program came to an end nicely, without any ugly surprise.
Moreover, once this visualization was put on place and seen by all program members on each Release Review, it became clear that every step was important but (making an analogy with a football team) we only score a goal when we release a feature into production. This helped to align the teams even further.
When the board was put on place, teams were releasing in the order of 22-24 features per Sprint, but after a month and a half (3 Sprints) they began releasing 32-35. This is a ~40% increase of productivity!!
Before the visualization, the teams were focusing on the number of items in each phase (Analysis, Refinement, etc.) in a kind of "silo" mentality. The board made clear the metrics for the whole program and that was the common goal for all of us. Then, when the end of a Sprint was getting closer, a PO or BA working upstream that was getting some questions about a story and in the past responded something like "I'm busy now, but I will get back to you once I finish this", now became more aware of the importance of interrupting other things to finish features by the end of the Sprint, increasing focus, productivity and results.
"I would like to have this as a generic solution" -I thought.
After this nice experience with Bayer in Berlin, the following year I joined another company near Zurich, with a program that was kind of hybrid. Managed in a traditional approach, teams were requested to use Scrum, but this didn't work well. There was no common unit to measure progress and the resulting chaos is described in a video I did during a training with IDEO in Design Thinking: 'A Common View on Progress'.
To my surprise, many participants from all around the globe (Europe, Asia & US) commented to be having very similar problems! So ... this is when I definitively came to the idea of implementing the solution as a Jira plugin, that is now listed in the marketplace.
But this is just a tool. The main point, is the construction of a visualization that can align everyone, about the solution being built. If this is a software system with multiple components, a workflow with different steps, a value stream as the example we just saw, or anything else, make it visible. This is important to provide a clear purpose, to make people aware, to engage everyone, and to move beyond the traditional approach where individuals were just "doing tasks" and waiting for the time to leave the office.
Yes, once you start using PROGRESS (or anything similar) you will feel as if before, you were part of the famous Apple Lemmings commercial: