Be Subversive
It’s Monday morning and that can only mean one thing.? It’s time to be subversive!!? Ok, it can mean other things, but not everyone can work a 10 minute walk from the beach…
In the past few weeks, I had a conversation with a good friend about our ability to respond and how sometimes no response, at least for a while, can be a very good way to set boundaries, even with our superiors at work.? The conversation brought on feelings of being outside the norms of the hierarchy and deliberately ignoring a boss, which is taboo to say the least.? Our leaders are the most important people at work, right?? How could I be doing something that went against what we know from childhood to be the way to follow, listening to our elders with few questions?? Our parents are the first example of this behaviour.? They teach us how to act, who to listen to and what to do.? If we question or get out of line, they correct us.? That then happens at school where the teacher is the authority figure, evaluating and correcting us, with an annual score that gave us access to the next level.? In French, we even call a graduating class a promotion.? Based on all that cultural influence, do I really believe people in positions of power are most important?? Hell no!? If you’ve been reading me for a little while, you will know I don’t believe that and neither does any leader worth their salt.? Leaders are important and our relationships with them matter a great deal, but followers, the people doing the day-in day-out work, are the key to successful outcomes.? The thing is, it is easy to say, but hard to live.? It feels subversive.
Another friend I was talking to complimented me on “living my best life” and “making things happen”.? I don’t know if I am actually doing that, but I am certainly trying my best.? She talked about how many people talk about what they will do “when the time is right”.? I can tell you with great confidence that the time is very rarely spot on to do anything in life.? And, if you wait, the world will happen to you.? Instead, why not happen to the world? ?Some people will say that “you can’t do that” or “are you sure?” with the same disapproving, sometimes judgmental tone.? Another thing I can say with great confidence is that there are very few actual rules.? Sure, there are laws and social norms that I appreciate.? I would rather not live in a world filled with chaos where everyone just does as they want without regard to their fellow humans, but there are also many societal norms that we should just observe and say “If it makes them happy and it’s not hurting anyone, good for them”.? This is true for many things in life.? In the end, we are all just doing our best in the pursuit of purpose, flow and sometimes even happiness. ?So, as my friend said so beautifully, make it happen. It gives her massive credibility that she is doing just that.? The mid-winter day we were talking was the same day she had a bike ride along the beach before work.? She isn’t waiting for things to happen to her.? When talking to colleagues, she tells me they are envious and maybe she even feels a little subversive. I didn’t ask, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
From time to time, working remotely from home, I have mentioned the idea of taking a trip, working during the day as usual, and taking advantage of some place in the evenings and weekends.? I have done this several times before and it was a key condition when I accepted the position I am in.? My ability to work anywhere is a big motivator for me.? But I have never done it with colleagues.? Recently, one of my coworkers mentioned that winter sucked, he was tired of the cold, and that we should rent a place a work remotely for a while.? So, that’s what we did.? We informed our other coworker and she quickly replied “do you have room for one more?”.? Fast forward to present day where I am writing this from a rental condo in Mexico I am sharing with 2 people I can honestly now call close friends.? My front door camera tells me that it snowed again, which makes me smile while I look out the window at the sun-drenched city that surrounds me, birds chirping and many people living their lives.? I am happy to be a part of it, but since not many have, or take, the same opportunity, I feel a little subversive.? The pull of what is “normal” to many is strong, but the joy we feel in taking full advantage of what’s on offer, not to mention the amazing reactions of everyone back at home who have only said “that’s awesome” are telling us that our subversiveness is helping others realize the potential and we’re changing our culture for the better. As much research proves, we will regret the things we didn't do more than those we did. The feelings I have after putting aside some norms and just making it happen, I have decided that I will lean in to my subversive side and embrace it.?
Why am I telling you all this?? I want to make you envious. Kind of…? I really want you to realize that you can do things you don’t think are possible or are waiting for the timing to be good to do.? There is no timing on doing the things you want to do and living your one and only life (That we know of at least).? Time marches forward and halts for nobody.? It is our most precious resource and is limited, so we should treat it as such.? I want you to feel you can be freed of the constraints of societal expectations or fear of stepping outside the lines.? And, in doing that, if we need to break a few rules that aren’t hurting anyone, like the Mexican stop sign, which seems to be just a suggestion even if the Policia are driving by, that’s ok.? Be subversive.
In closing, I do realize that not everyone has the same opportunities that I do and some of my choices may simply may not be possible for others.? However, I do believe that being subversive and increasing our happiness is something everyone can do in some way.? I would love to hear your feedback and stories of subversiveness.? Drop me a line at [email protected]
?I hope you take full advantage of every opportunity and support those people around you that want to be subversive with you but need a little help.? After all, People Power Everything.