Subtle Visual, Auditory & Sensorial queues
Gavin Watterson
?? Health, Exercise & Wellness Solutions for discerning clients. Published Author
The Power of "suggestion" can be a very positive and influential tool to help get the BEST out of someone.
This is a true story - One particular client in Singapore has me flummoxed!! I mean, I was doing everything I normally do, but she just was just not getting the results neither she (nor I) wanted?!
Enter, my suggestion that we try hypnotherapy (it was 2008, I had just completed my diploma & as you might expect was keen to use this new skill in the field!) First things first, she was totally up for my idea - great! So, we agreed that on top of her 3 x week Personal Training sessions (plus the obligatory "personalized" lifestyle advice & dietary recommendations) that I would conduct 1/2 hour-hypnotherapy sessions prior to each of her hourly exercise sessions.....Yes, it was more time invested on my side but I was excited about the potential prospects too, so it was a win-win situation...
We began, then incredibly in just 6 sessions she dropped (3/4 stone or 10lbs!) this was more weight in 2 weeks (than she had lost in-total within the previous 6 weeks of diet & training alone)
Woah, I mean holy-sh*t, Omg - Like, what happened? What was the shift that had occurred? How did this work? Was it really the power of the mind? Did the power of suggestion really influence her dramatic weight loss? Did we resolve some internal conflict between her relationship with food &/or exercise or perhaps reinforce both the compliance and commitment necessary?! Was the power of suggestion using hypnosis the "trigger" she needed to start seeing results...Perhaps. Whatever it was it worked!
In conclusion: Did Hypnotherapy work in this case - Absolutely
Does everyone need it? Certainly Not, it's simply another tool in the tool-box for either suggestive or recalcitrant clients to bring their minds in-line with the ultimate objectives we are trying to achieve.
Point of fact, you don't even need to put someone in a "trance" or suggestive state to get the desired effect.
Heres how it works in layman's terms. The "conscious" mind cannot do two things at once...for example, if you get a person to concentrate on performing a specific task - You can infiltrate their sub-conscious mind (essentially by-passing their voluntary/conscious mind) by "speaking or suggesting things to them when they are not listening" Err, sounds like a bit of an Oxymoron doesn't it...
I have a friend who is a neuro-logical chiropractor who showed me another technique you can use to see if someone is telling the truth or not. This involves triggering (ascertaining) in-voluntary reactions within the muscular & nervous systems...For example, if you ask someone a direct question (when they are performing a heavy physical task or motor skill test) if they are "lying" the body will give them away every time. That is unless they are a Sociopath or Psychopath (this being an example of how "guilty" people tend to pass lie detector tests as they are not wired the same as normal people!)
All things considered, the vast majority of ALL people are permanently walking around in a completely oblivious & dazed hypnogogic state...
Look at things like the internet, advertising campaigns how subliminal messages influence us? Then look at the media, news, TV or propaganda? We are told what to think, what to believe & how to react (C19) - There is far MORE psychology & psychological influences that go into mind (population) control than anyone would care to admit.
Even down to what you believe, what you like or dislike even what you spend money on.
You may not think it or want to accept it but everyone one of us has been hypnotized at some point...
There are several stages or "depths" to achieving the desired clinical hypnotic states. Each of these stages has depth testing "assurances" that involve passing or failing tests/signs.
There are 3 major signs that you have experienced some form of "hypnosis"
1 - Time disruption (i.e. 1 hour feels like 10 minutes)
2- Sensorial disruption (feeling of being light or heavy, losing touch/feeling in a limb or body, feeling Hot/cold a floating sensation or sensing you are much bigger or smaller than you really are)
3 - Losing memory / forgetting what was said or what happened (in a clinical session)
Your MIND is unquestionably the No.1 controlling factor that determines ALL of your actions whether (auto) cognitive, conscious or sub-conscious, seen or unseen.
Many people (consciously) employ hypnotic techniques for physiological & psychological factors/boosts for sports-performance, games, competitions for positive mindset/reinforcement/concentration & even to get themselves into shape.
I have spent 20 years sharpening my skill-set to get the best out of those who engage my services
If you are interested in finding out more? I don't bite (much)
Please fire me a quick email to [email protected] I will be happy to arrange a convenient (no-obligation) chat to discuss exactly what I can do & how I CAN HELP YOU?
"Going Further 2 Help YOU Succeed"