The Subtle Art of Never Giving Up -When the word Never, feels so good
Article By: Danny Murad
Giving up. We’ve all felt it. That nasty little urge screaming in our ear, QUIT! It’s something that all of us will experience at different points in our lives. There’s no getting around it, but what if I told you, there actually is! Wait, what? What if there was a way to actually?Never?give up, would you believe me? What if I told you that when that voice in your ear is shouting at you to give up, there’s a way to shout back, “NEVER!” Well, I'm here to tell you there is, and I’m going to share with you below just how to do that. Let’s take a look.
Feeling like a Champ! (Except on Mondays).?Have you ever felt those days where you just feel unstoppable? That feeling like you can conquer the whole world and become the next CEO of Apple, fight crime, and write a?New York?best-seller?in your spare time. Then, what happens? You wake up, and it’s a dreadful, awful, nasty, bitter-cold Monday, and you’ve got to be at work at 9am. You’re likely dead-tired from a hectic weekend too. Suddenly, all of those feelings of feeling unstoppable seem to disappear. If you’ve felt these two polar- opposite things on a Monday (or any day really), then welcome to the club. I don’t know about you, but when a Monday morning hits, the last thing on my mind is conquering the world. The only thing I’m trying to conquer is that snooze button on my alarm. Here’s the thing though, that’s normal! You can still be that CEO and everything else you’ve dreamed of becoming. So why bring this Monday feeling up? Simple, to illustrate that in fact,?nothing?has actually changed in reality from that Sunday night before to the Monday morning after. Just your current feelings have changed. Now, why is this even important? It’s to illustrate that our feelings will come and go, but what you want to accomplish, what you’ve dreamed of, that remains deep inside. When we shift our focus to what we want to accomplish verses how we feel (in that moment), then feelings don’t really seem to matter anymore, only the outcome we want. What a sense of empowerment that is!
We’re all Champions (Whether you feel like it or not).?Some of you might have won numerous tournaments or various accolades in life, or some may have never won a thing at all, but do you know that despite either of those things, we’re all champions too? Let’s take a closer look at how. Muhammad Ali, arguably the best boxer of all time reportedly never felt like running in the morning, training, and often felt the urge to quit. He was once quoted for saying, “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life like a champion.” Michael Jordan was famously quoted for saying, “I’ve failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” The list goes on. All of which felt the exact same way. So, what makes us like them you might ask? It’s the simple fact that we all share the same feelings deep inside, those very human, raw, and real feelings. How we respond to those feelings is what makes all the difference in the world. You see, the only difference between them and you is the mindset that they tell themselves, everyday (Mondays included), that no matter what, giving up is?never?an option. Let that sink in for a moment. Now, just imagine if you took that same approach to anything in life worth doing. Guess what, you can! It really is a freeing thing to know that YOU have the ability to tell yourself the same exact thing every day too. Never giving up, despite anything. You would be surprised at what you can accomplish with this simple change in mindset. You?are?a champion too, regardless of anything, and now is the time to shine like the greats!
Persistence - The Insurance that Never Fails.?This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it really is true. Persistence is the greatest insurance to never fail at something. Think about it, when was the last time you truly failed at something you continuously persisted on? I’d bet, likely never. I heard a few quotes the other day that really stuck with me. The first one said, '“Success is made up of 99% failure, the other 1% is your edge.” Second, “A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.” Lastly, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” Wow! Pretty deep huh? The common theme between all of these quotes is that success is just a matter of continuous failures until one day you succeed, because eventually, you WILL win. When you succeed, it’s bigger and better than all the failures added up. Persistence really is a very powerful thing. It’s what separates those who achieve what they want in life verses those who don’t. How do we persist though when times get tough? Simple, you just keep going. Just keep trying. We all feel defeated at times when we don’t even want to think of taking another chance at something, but that’s ok! Let yourself?feel those feelings. It’s actually good to feel those things because it shows just how much you care about something, and since you care so much about that certain thing, that means you have to care enough to also keep going then, right??
So now what, what do we do from here? Well, we’ve just learned that we’re all champions, persistence never fails, and that we all (likely) hate Mondays! What do we actually do with these things? We start by living by them, practicing them, and?becoming?them. Then the rest will follow. So, from now on, the only thing I want you to ever give up on, is actually giving up. The only time you’re ever allowed to give up! The rest is yours for the taking. So go dare to be that CEO and best-selling author, or whatever it is you truly dream of becoming, because deep down it’s inside of you,?it’s?there. I know it is. You just have to believe in yourself like I believe in you. You got this! So, remember, the word “Never”,?never felt so good.